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Hickson 68 in Canes Venatici


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Hickson 68 from this evenings session. A fine compact cluster.

Reading up on this one - This group is thought to lie on the filament of galaxies that run between the Coma cluster and the Virgo cluster and it is about 100 MLY distant. 

NGC5350 is classified as a Type A Seyfert galaxy so has an AGN.







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Morning Pat,

It is a long time since I have visited this group and looking at the past image, I could do better with my current set up. Your shot has fired me up to go hunt this one out again. If you look carefully at NGC 5350 you can begin to suspect that it is a ring galaxy, which in fact it is.

You may not have spotted but there is a thread for Hicksons, so if I do take a look at H 68 I will post it there and refer across to this post.

Look forward to your next post.


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Morning Mike

Thanks for the comments and feedback. It is motivating to be able to discuss these obscure but fascinating objects.

I had NGC5350 down as 'just' a barred spiral so your comment about the added ring classification will give me something to read up on - you learn something new every day!

Thanks also for the heads up on the Hickson thread, I will check it out, and also keep an eye out for your H 68 - good luck with the hunt.




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