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UCG 9749 (PGC 54074) - UMi Dwarf Galaxy


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A very faint dwarf galaxy in UMi that has no more star birth activity. Extremely faint, only discovered in 1954/55, and a region of sky that has little else in a deep exposure. Interesting to see how galaxies eventually give up the ghost!
In this image, it is roughly the elliptical speckled region starting from the centre towards 4 o'clock position finishing just before the two bright stars. Imaged over the full moon period recently.

Takahashi Epsilon 130D

ASI2600M Pro, Gain  0, -10C

iOptron GEM45 with ASI290MM mini on OAG

294 x 180s (14.7 hrs)

Processed in APP.



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1 minute ago, Adreneline said:

Hi @GalaxyGael

Excellent - and really interesting.

Hope you don't mind but I put your image through Astrometry.net and PixInsight to plate solve it and find out a bit more about what's in the image - including of course PGC 54074

This is one 'galaxy rich' region.


Thanks, great idea. I was about to DL the PI 45 day test just to do this. Can it plate-sovle the PGC objects wihtout needing astrometry.net? The richer deep field is peppered, but with tiny fuzzies. Some other regions have lots of distant spirals and some galaxy shapes and red-shifted clusters can be picked out to the eye. Still a good few PGC objects way back in this image. 

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22 minutes ago, GalaxyGael said:

Can it plate-sovle the PGC objects wihtout needing astrometry.net?

I only used Astrometry.net to get the centre RA/DEC and pixel scale otherwise I had nothing much to base it on, otherwise PI can sort it from the data you input yourself for your own equipment, etc.

32 minutes ago, GalaxyGael said:

Still a good few PGC objects way back in this image.

It's a really rich, interesting image. Well done! Good catch and thanks for sharing.



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