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Lumix GX800 Micro four-thirds

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After being determined not to get into astrophotography I have the above camera sitting on a cupboard tempting me down the dark, expensive route... 

I was wondering if anyone had any experience with either this camera and astrophotography using micro 4/3?

Some constraints /thoughts 

1. I cannot afford an EQ mount this year. That's in next year's budget.

2. I would like to start just by taking pictures of the moon and deep sky. My kit is a 90/900 achromat and a Skywatcher mak90. 

3. No budget this year for dslr! 

4. I need a T2 adapter for the Lumix. Any recommendations of decent well made adapter? 

Anything else I should think of? 




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Can't comment on other aspects but question 4, FLO sell one which is decently made:


You'll need a nose piece to go with it as well:


Make sure the camera can "shoot without lens". It probably can but double-check. Some cameras will refuse to fire unless they can detect a lens or it's been set to allow it (i.e. the setting must exist!). I have a G2 where it's a menu setting and a G9 that simply allows it by default, no setting required. If you can't afford other gear, I'd say give it a go for £27!

You may need a Barlow to achieve focus, depending on the scope and the focuser range, again I can't advise on your examples. My Newts won't reach focus without one.

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