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From The USA and Nice to Meet Everyone


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Hello to everyone!

My name is Jim and I just joined SGL. I have been a member of several other forums, but I was looking for some place "different". I have heard that there is quite a friendly group of knowledge folks here.

I am 66 years old and started visual astronomy at 60. I always liked science, but never explored the skies much. I had a wonderful time exploring with a Celestron 130SLT. Yes, a challenging setup, but fun, easy to use, and got me started.

I still get out for an occasional visual session. I get excited viewing double stars and nebulae from my Bortle 7 backyard. 

I started dabbling in AP in 2018 with a Celestron AVX and Explore Scientific ED102 unguided. That was challenging, but loads of fun. I used a Nikon D3300 (no sdk support) with Digicamcontrol software. I had a fun time and learned a lot (still am). 

I pretty much added things one at a time, so I limited the learning curve and had a good time conquering new challenges.

I now use a Skywatcher HEQ5Pro (Rowan belt mod sitting on the table, yet to be installed), Sharpstar 61EDPHII, Explore Scientific ED102 and ZWO ASI 533 MC-P and image from my light polluted tree filled backyard. From there, I can get things started and go inside and watch tv, eat snacks, and keep my eye on things. 

I joined Astrobin (https://www.astrobin.com/users/Juno16/) last year and started collecting images. Kind of slow as my weather is usually poor as I am sure many of you have to deal with. You can see my current progress (or lack of it!) on AB if you are interested.

Looking forward to meeting people and joining discussions. Thanks for having me here!

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Welcome to the forum Jim. I just had a look at your images on Astrobin and wow, it just goes to show you're never too old to learn 😁

Those images look really sharp and clean, I had to remind myself that you use an ASI533 (I use the same camera and wish my images looked that good). You've done a great job processing them, well done! My favourite image of yours is the California nebula, very pretty. 

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@Pete Presland


@Dave Lloyd


@Epick Crom



Thank you very much everyone!

@maw lod qan

Wow, Bortle 4/3. Beats the heck out of my B7, but I really enjoy imaging from my backyard even with the lp and trees. Thanks!

@Mike Q

I can’t imagine setting up in the snow! On the on the other hand , summers here are like living in a swamp. Thanks 

Thank you for your very nice words!

The 533 is a wonderfully clean camera. The L-eNhance is great in my lp and helps quite a bit with moon glow.

I’ve been using Pixinsight for just over a year and it is really amazing software.

Good luck and thanks!

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