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Correct Optical Train


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I am sure there is probably going to be some trial and error to this but I was wondering when using a coma corrector and a Barlow....which goes into the scope first?  My coma corrector is the GSO model.

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Sometimes, it comes down to which way you can reach focus and which way looks better corrected.  I've heard both ways.  TV claims the CC should be kept at the same distance from the eyepiece, so it would slip into the Barlow.  Myself, I leave out the CC (a GSO as well) because at higher Barlowed powers, the residual coma doesn't bother me much at all.  Your best bet is to get out there under the stars and experiment.  It's not like something is going to short circuit and explode in your face. 😁

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6 hours ago, Louis D said:

Sometimes, it comes down to which way you can reach focus and which way looks better corrected.  I've heard both ways.  TV claims the CC should be kept at the same distance from the eyepiece, so it would slip into the Barlow.  Myself, I leave out the CC (a GSO as well) because at higher Barlowed powers, the residual coma doesn't bother me much at all.  Your best bet is to get out there under the stars and experiment.  It's not like something is going to short circuit and explode in your face. 😁

That is the plan actually

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