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Marvelous Monoceros

Epick Crom

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Hi my fellow stargazers! I had planned last night to observe several objects in Carina and Crux last night. But first the plan was to observe the triple star Beta Monocerotis in Monoceros. And what a fine sight it is! Three white stars of even brightness in close contact. The starfields in Monoceros are gorgeous, and I soon found myself taking in the myriad star patterns and asterisms. Sweeping up the beautiful vistas led me to the open cluster NGC 2301 which I had never seen before. Wow, this is a beautiful cluster with an unusual pattern. There is a central portion in this cluster with three lines of stars radiating outwards from it. Close to NGC 2301 is Dolidze 25, another marvelous open cluster. This cluster also contains a stream of stars, fainter than NGC 2301, but just as interesting. It looks like some sort of long legged insect! 

My impromptu tour of Monoceros continued as Open cluster NGC 2244 came into view next. A wonderful large grouping of stars. I switched to my lowest magnification of 48x to try for the Rosette Nebula. Lo and behold there it was! Very large diffuse faint circular shape of nebulosity which could not all fit in the field of view. I had to slowly Pan around while using averted vision to pick up the Rosette's faint glow. I was happy with my rare glimpse of this nebula.

Onto NGC 2264, the Christmas Tree cluster next. This open cluster is centered on the double star 15 Monocerotis. This cluster is wide like NGC 2244. Lovely view at low power. Not a hint of the Cone Nebula unfortunately. Hubble's Variable Nebula, NGC 2261 was better fare. I just love looking at this fan shaped nebula. Compact and bright. I continued to drift amongst the rich  Monoceros starfields until I got to M50, one of my many favourite open clusters! A delightful group shaped as a heart. 

Before I knew it, it was time to pack it in. I had spent over 2hrs being mesmerised by Monoceros, so much so that I didn't have enough time to visit my planned targets in Carina and Crux. I encourage you all to pay a visit to Monoceros soon and try not to get sucked up in there for hours on end! Keep safe and clear skies ☺️


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Nice one Joe. I agree about the Christmas Tree Cluster, it’s a lovely one. Beta Mon too, amazing to see those three little shining balls so close but still separated.

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2 hours ago, Mr Spock said:

Nice set of clusters. I'll get to those as soon as they enter my arc. Form my light polluted skies the Rosette will be a lost cause though.

Thanks Mr Spock! Yep, the Rosette Nebula is very tough to see in light pollution. I barely saw it myself.

Edited by Epick Crom
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1 hour ago, Stu said:

Nice one Joe. I agree about the Christmas Tree Cluster, it’s a lovely one. Beta Mon too, amazing to see those three little shining balls so close but still separated.

Thanks Stu, Monoceros contains some great sights for sure!

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