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A few more narrow-band experiments on the Monkey Head

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Been playing around with different ways of combining the three bands I had gathered on the Monkey-Head Nebula

First, HOO


Next, a slightly milder version of the Hubble palette


Finally, the "default" combination in APP, which I think tries to get as close to true colour as possible:


Quite similar to HOO, although the red is just that more saturated due to S-II being mixed in to the red channel. Of course, I want to get more data still, as ever. Seven hours just isn't enough.

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Hi Michael, I'm sure I'm telling you to suck eggs here, but for the hubble palette, you might want to SCNR it ? or remove green if Siril ?

Doing a quick process on that jpg gets me something a lot more hubble-like? apologies if it IS egg sucking and you wanted the green.




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