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Hi all,


Quick introduction, I am new to the forum after buying my first real telescope after waiting far too many years. I have always had a fascination with the night sky but never got round to making the time to take it a bit more seriously.  Whilst waiting for the weather to improve I have been attempting to learn what constellations are visible this time of year, still a long way to go!

Well, now I have an 8" dob (a Stellalyra from FLO) and tonight got it out for the first time since receiving it. First task was to line up the finder scope which I did using Alnilam, after that I managed to locate the Orion nebula, pretty pleased with the first viewing.

In the future I hope to get to some dark sky sites, go to some star parties and learn more about the night sky so I can observe all year round.




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Thank you for the continued warm welcomes. I am quickly finding out I have a lot to learn! The good thing is, i'm in no rush and I am looking forward to enjoying this for years to come

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