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Star sizes in Ekos align module


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Need help. The kstars crashed on my MacOS and I had to reinstall. Now for some strange reason the star sizes when using alignment tool (in simulator mode) are so tiny that its hard to spot them. Is there a setting for this?


Edited by AstroMuni
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Just a wild guess. In the simulator camera driver you can enter pixel size. And I believe that there is also a way to adjust seeing conditions. I can't check that atm, but can have a look tonight.

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8 hours ago, AstroMuni said:

They are all at default settings :(

When I create a new profile and use the simulators as the devices, I can change pixel size, focal length, filters, etc. But I can also change seeing conditions in the simulator configuration tab of CCD Simulator, and in the Focuser Simulator. In the focuser module, I can then autofocus and get different fwhm values, depending on what I put in the seeing field of the focuser. In the align module, the stars get wider or narrower depending on focus position (and possibly seeing).

Note that you can't change much in the default simulator profile of Ekos. This in order to make sure that for testing purposes all settings are equal. But you can change simulator settings in a profile you create. In fact, when I created a new simulator profile, the CCD settings were preset with the values of my ASI294MM.

Edited by wimvb
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