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A couple of Rosettes


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I thought this had been bubbling away longer but I started shooting the Rosette with my Samyang and 183MM at the start of February.  I captured Ha and OIII but don't yet have an SII filter in that rig so asked @Adreneline if he had any data that covered this FOV and he managed to find something from his archives! (Thanks again Adrian).

This is 5.6h Ha, 2.3h OIII and 50m SII.  I couldn't use the stars from the SII so had to be creative in processing.  It was fascinating to see the extra nebulosity streaming off the Rosette (typically seen in widefield images including the Cone nebula) and the OIII master had some good signal in the top left alongside the Rosette itself.



I started to wonder if I could bring almost 4 hours of Ha with the StellaMira 90EDT and 294MM to life...  Taking some drastic measures I scaled up the OIII and SII masters from the above image.  The stars had to go on these as they unusable.  It's a little rough and ready but was a fun process until I can grab the necessary native channels to match the Ha.


Thanks for looking. 

Edited by geeklee
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