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New software for automatic post-processing of planetary, solar or lunar image stacks


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Hello all, despite the bad weather conditions here in Europe I have been quite active in Astronomy lately by developing a new application that aims to simplify post-processing of image stacks of planetary, moon or sun recordings. Typically these image stacks are the result of stacking software such as AutoStakkert or AviStack. 
It has become a project that sort of grew out of control and I ended up spending quite a lot of evenings and weekends to it. But it was worth it I think 😀
The application provides automatic processing of all image stacks of one nights session with one mouse click (OK, perhaps 2). Afterwards you can immediately pick the best results and add those to WinJupos derotation or compose an animation from them.
Allright, I'd say try it out for yourself by downloading it from the following link:


- Follow the instructions on the Download page for installation.
- I wrote a User Manual, it can be found under "Manual".

For the time being I only composed a windows installation. If you install it I would greatly appreciate any feedback via a private message for instance. So should you encounter any bugs, or you have some improvement suggestions let me know.
Below one of my recently captured images of Jupiter that I post-processed using LuckyStackWorker. This one was captured on September 25th 2021. Below that a screenshot of the app.




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Hi Laurence, depending on the object "profile" you started out with, your original settings should re-appear after selecting that particular profile. 

So the way this works is that whatever changes you make, it will immediately be updated and stored in an embedded database for the selected profile. If you started out by opening a file name starting with for instance "Jup", it will automatically select and apply the settings for Jupiter.

Those prefixes correspond to what filename Firecapture gives to the initial AVI/SER recording, provided that you selected the correct profile in firecapture ofcourse and did not change the profile defaults there.

If your image stack does not start with such a prefix (Ven, Jup, Sat etc) it will select the default which is the moon profile. But you can always change it by selecting the correct profile on top of the panel.

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