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Hi CC,

Cracking image that mate, had a play in photoshop changed the levels using the curves and also altered the noise with de guass blur and selected each colour and played around with them..

Hope you like.


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It's mine Jim, but not as we know it.

Wow! that's what it REALLY looks like?

I need to have more of a bash with that photoshop thing - just think what you could have done with the raws doing that.

I'm going to look into this degaussing blur and try the levels and curves and stuff again.

Thanks for that mate, I'm well chuffed with the "new and improved" version.

Captain Chaos

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Good luck CC it's a fine image to work with, you should have better luck with the Raws :lol:.


PS:I think it's a good idea to explain whats been done to images when people re touch em up as this will teach others what ya reakon guys n girl? :)

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Magnification is something I will need to work out. I used a Nikon D50 (aps sized sensor) and a 200mm 1000mm focal length Newtonian reflector. Nothing between the 'scope and the camera except air.

Hope that helped, I'll try to work it out tomorrow but I don't know how to work out what 1:1 magnification is like. Some of the people I have worked with couldn't see a galaxy at 200 yards.

Captain Chaos

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