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Seeing Red!

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Greetings all. Been having a run of nice clear nights (though chilly) and getting in some quality observing and imaging. Here is a series of shots focused on some of the reddest stars in the nighttime sky. For me, R Leporis (Hind's Crimson Star) is by far the reddest visually. The others in this series seem to range from orange to yellow, but, of course, the brightness of the star is a determining factor in the richness of color. All images were taken at prime focus using my Nikon D3200 and 127mm Skymax Mak:

R Leporis (Hind's Crimson Star)



119 Tauri (Ruby Star), on the right



Mu Cephei (Garnet Star)



And, for good measure, Betelgeuse


Clear skies!




Edited by orion25
removed duplicate image
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