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NGC 2264 - Cone nebula


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A rare clear night (4-Feb-2022) and an occasional departure from my usual EEVA activities.

Only 29 x 5 mins (2 h 25m total) here, from early evening to meridian flip, which I bottled.  Advice on APT (and Mesu) welcomed in this regard.

The guiding was excellent ~0.4" RMS, which is nice since I've just switched from 230mm to 430mm on the guide scope, and it seems to make a modest improvement... but who knows given the state of the UK skies?

  • Esprit  120 ED
  • ASI 294MC Pro (OSC)
  • 29 x 5 min with IDAS P2 filter
  • Mesu e200

I'd have gone for at least twice the time if the flip worked.  AFAIK it was clear all night.  Still, something is better than nothing.




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6 hours ago, AKB said:

from early evening to meridian flip, which I bottled.

I find this really interesting. You are not alone in being wary of meridian flips but I never understand why. I leave my rig overnight in the garden (secure and with rain alarms) and allow it to auto flip. Never really give it a second thought. I need my sleep😀.

Nice image though. A bit more integration time would really give it some depth.

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23 minutes ago, Clarkey said:

You are not alone in being wary of meridian flips but I never understand why.

I put it down to having lived very happily with a superb mount which didn’t need a meridian flip (Avalon M-Uno.)  The only reason I got a Mesu was to take the extra load of multiple OTAs including a refractor which was too long for the Uno, which I still love.  APT is also new to me, and having got auto-focus in hand, meridian flip is the next challenge.  I’ll get there in the end, but I do think that nearly 100kg of kit swinging around is something of which to be at least a little wary.

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8 hours ago, AKB said:

I’ll get there in the end, but I do think that nearly 100kg of kit swinging around is something of which to be at least a little wary

Ok. Fair point. Not quite as simple as a single scope.

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