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I finally got the Oii and Sii. I'm happy with this. Its not perfect and my stars are still letting me down. I'm sure in the right hands more could be made of this. I seem to get halos around the blue stars. I also noticed them in my last image.  Is this a common occurrence with narrowband? Anyhow, here are my efforts. Constructive criticism always welcome. Thanks for looking.

Askar FRA400 @ f3.9, Atik460, Heq5pro

66 x 600 Ha

51 x 600 Sii

51 x 600 Oii


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17 hours ago, Shibby said:

Fantastic work, a very nice result!

Am I reading that right - 28hours?! Great dedication.

I can't really help with the processing of blue halos... what Oiii filter are you using?

Thank you. It’s the first image I’ve done with this amount of data (28 hours). It certainly helps with the processing having a nice amount of data. I’m using the Astrodon filters. I suspect I have a few stray Oii subs that are slightly out of focus or effected by high cloud. I’m going to check through them this evening. And no doubt another reprocess. 

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My Oiii is the Astrodon and I don't have the halos, however I have a reflector so that's probably not relevant.

I would have thought that, with 51 sub-exposures, the halo would stack/reject out if it was only on a few of the subs.

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9 hours ago, Shibby said:

My Oiii is the Astrodon and I don't have the halos, however I have a reflector so that's probably not relevant.

I would have thought that, with 51 sub-exposures, the halo would stack/reject out if it was only on a few of the subs.

I checked the subs, they all seem fine. I’ve given the oiii a good stretch and there’s nothing untoward. I’ve been having a play around with colour masks in some of my recent processing. I’m wondering if it could be that. I’m going to have another go at processing it. I’ll keep my eye on the stars and watch for when the halo starts to appear. Thanks for your feedback. It’s appreciated.

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