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HA Filter with a OSC - How to process


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A quick question for you experts as I am not sure of the answer.

  • I have a One Shot Colour Camera (OSC)  ZWO 2600MC Pro
  • I have a 7nm Ha filter in place

The subs come out red, sort of expected.

How do I process these subs ?

Debayer then extract the Red channel from the sub leaving a mono Ha / Red channel ?

Any help would be appreciated



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On 28/02/2022 at 13:13, adyj1 said:

@Catanonia, did you work this out?

Badly as the 7nm filter is not good enough for F2 with a RASA8.

I need a high speed narrow band filter to work with the highly angled light from F2

I ended up with HA data that was about 1/10th of what I would have expected.

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