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 Located in the Northern constellation Camelopardalis, this intermediate spiral galaxy is approximately 10 million light years distant and 50,000 light years across. It includes a large number of star forming Hii regions that glow pink/red as the gas is energised by hot massive stars. NGC2404 is such a star forming region as seen in the annotated image.

NGC2403 is thought to be part of the M81 group of galaxies but was not catalogued by Charles Messier despite it being located close to both M81 and M82.

The galaxy is not only active in star production but has also had its fair share of bright supernovae as massive stars come to the end of their lives. There have been two such occurrences, SN 1954J and SN 2004dj, the latter being the brightest supernova discovered this century on 31 July 2004 at visual magnitude 11.2.



This image was captured on 4th January 2022 in LRGB. 20:20:20:20 subs with an exposure time of 5 minutes. Total integration time 6.6 hours.

Calibrated using Flats x 25, Dark Flats x 25 and Darks x 50.



William Optics Z103 refractor.

ZWO ASI1600mm Pro Cool camera.


Chroma 1.25” filters.

SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro mount.



Sequence Generator Pro for data acquisition and equipment management.

PHD2 for guiding.

PixInsight for squeezing the life out of the data.







Thank you for dropping by.



Edited by Hughsie
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  • 2 years later...

Well, here we are with another reprocessed job this time of NGC 2403. As before I am using the same data just different tools and workflow in PixInsight.




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