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Was Comet Leonard paired with an unknown Comet on Jan. 3, 2022? *Images to show*

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Hi, my name is Jay Peacock and on January 3rd, 2022. I was observing Comet Leonard through my Celestron 9.25in SCT Evolution for the 3rd day with only a day or so in between observations due to bad weather here in FL. (mainly clouds and light rain).

But on the night of January 3rd, 2022. I noticed there was two objects in my eyepiece, one being easy to identify as Comet Leonard from observations the nights before, and the other I assumed was just a background star. Upon inserting my Celestron Skyris236C eyepiece camera and refocusing my telescope from my eye to the camera, what I found was shocking. Both objects were comets, one being the known Comet Leonard A/2021 and the other I have yet to be able to identify. I have not been able to locate anyone that has more information on this conjunction of comets, but I do believe it could either be a piece of Comet Leonard that broke apart during A/2021's closest approach to the Sun, which also occurred on January 3rd, 2022, or this is a newly discovered comet possibly, and strangely enough, I would be the person that discovered it 😮 ! I was able to capture 3 or 4 videos of the comet conjunction at which I was able to process and stack the images to get a still photo, not sure the videos will post but I will attach one of the stacked images I processed or two for those of you interested in seeing a possible once in a lifetime comet conjunction. I will try to add a video also if possible. And thanks for those who stop by and comment, also if anyone else has any further information on this conjunction, I am very eager to hear more. (Really hoping I discovered something new :D )

Best Double Comet Leonard---3.jpg

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