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HEQ5 PRO no link to m.c error

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Hi all

I was all ready to go last night (first time in what seems an age), connected everthing together only to get the following error on my heq5 handset "No link to M.C. Stand alone mode only"

Has anyone seen this before?? I am really hoping its not terminal :lol:

I have tried cleaning the connectors and have brought it into the house from the garage just in case its a bit damp.

Any other suggestions.

Many thanks


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Hi Steve

The error came up on the handset as soon as I turned the scope on :lol: I tried flicking through the menu and put it in PCdirect mode but I couldnt slew it with either the handset of eqmod. I also couldnt hear the moters tracking :blob8:

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You get this message when the Handcontroller can't see the motors in the mount.

I've only seen this when the power is connected to the handpaddle (and not the mounting) and when the cable between the handpaddle and the mount is disconnected.

Sounds like the power is therefore getting to the handpaddle but not the motor board inside the mounting????

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You won't hear the motor's tracking untill you've set up the handset.

Have you tried a continuity tester to make sure that the lead is OK - sounds to me like the lead between the handset and the mount has gone.

Try a cat5 lead from you're PC network (usually there is one that comes with wireless routers, if you have one of them).

I have a very short one (but long enough to use to check) here if you want me to post it to you?



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Thanks for the advice guys,

Ant, I didnt realise that the hand controller used a cat5 network cable, I will give that a go when I get home as I have loads of those cables around at home somewhere :lol: Thanks for the offer though mate.

Cheers Jon

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