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New to imaging - no damned idea

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Hello ; Bought a ZWO ASI 120 MC-S for my 120 refractor. First step was to get the camera working with FireCapture in a room . Did that and capyured an image of a window , not much but a start. Then put the camera in place of the eyepiece in the diagonal of my telescope in daylight , having focused on a tree. The image was a tiny circle of light that may have been in focus or may not . I had placed the camera in what seemed to be an adapter for the diagonal. The image didnt seem to capture either but that could have been my error as I was perplexed by the image.

Any ideas what I am doing wrong or have I bought a lousy camera !



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take the 1.25 adapter out of the diagonal and connect it direct to the focusing tube, insert the camera and connect camera to l/top via sharpcap or zwo studio?

adjust the focuser until you get an image ( there should be an auto button to help you but you may have to play with the  exposure sliders till you get a clear sharp image.

hope this gets you started Bruno.

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You may have to remove the diagonal and just insert the zwo asi120mc-s straight into the focus tube of the telescope. As it may be to far out from the focus tube with the diagonal in aswell to achieve focus. 

What scope do you have? (I have seen now you have a sw St 120) 

Posted same time as Bruno haha. 

Edited by AstroNebulee
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I'm not sure what your doing wrong but I will say that its not a lousy camera. I have the 120MM-S (Mono) version but I only bought it as a guide camera for my AP rig, it's main use though is as a planetary camera (which I hope to try out with this camera at some point)  but many do use it as a guide camera. I know thats not very helpful but just letting you know that the camera is fine.



Edited by nephilim
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45 minutes ago, nephilim said:

I'm not sure what your doing wrong but I will say that its not a lousy camera. I have the MM-S (Mono) version but I only bought it as a guide camera for my AP rig, it's main use though is as a planetary camera (which I hope to try out with this camera at some point)  but many do use it as a guide camera. I know thats not very helpful but just letting you know that the camera is fine.



I agree, I have the zwo asi120mc-s and use it as a guidecam now but did use it for planetary and for the price it's a beaut. It's definitely a case of lose the diagonal and insert the camera straight in the back of the scope 👍

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17 minutes ago, AstroNebulee said:

I agree, I have the zwo asi120mc-s and use it as a guidecam now but did use it for planetary and for the price it's a beaut. It's definitely a case of lose the diagonal and insert the camera straight in the back of the scope 👍

That was my thinking as well but i've only got experience of using it as a guide camera, so didn't want to advise on its proper use. I'm glad you've said it works well for planetary as I'm looking at getting the iOptron 6" RC for that as I only image DSO's at the moment with my ASI 533MC-Pro.


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14 minutes ago, nephilim said:

That was my thinking as well but i've only got experience of using it as a guide camera, so didn't want to advise on its proper use. I'm glad you've said it works well for planetary as I'm looking at getting the iOptron 6" RC for that as I only image DSO's at the moment with my ASI 533MC-Pro.


Going off topic slightly but yep I used it on my old scopes of sw 150p and Skymax 127 as a planetary camera and on usb 3 connection the frame rate was very high indeed, I think there are better planetary cameras but for the price you can't go wrong especially if you pick one up cheap in the classifieds. 

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50 minutes ago, AstroNebulee said:

Going off topic slightly but yep I used it on my old scopes of sw 150p and Skymax 127 as a planetary camera and on usb 3 connection the frame rate was very high indeed, I think there are better planetary cameras but for the price you can't go wrong especially if you pick one up cheap in the classifieds. 

I've not really done any planetary as I mainly image DSO's but seen as though i've already got the 120MM-S as a guide cam I may as well put it to good use for planets as well.


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