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Skywatcher quality control ?

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I guess it would be in Chinese as thats where the scopes are made - my Lightbridge dob has some markings on the back of it's mirror as well - I can't make out what they say either - hopefully not "Reject" in Chinese !


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Hi jahmanson.here a portuguese guy as to sell a 250mm f 6.3 orion optics in good shape,good construction for 900€.i think i will gona sell all my stuff to buy this beauty(mak127-200mm newt and alot more stuff).Do you think it is worth?

The specs for the OO are Strehl: 0.985

PV Wavefront: 0.123 wave

RMS: 0.019 wave

AstMag: 0.030 wave

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Some mods on the 8".A new foam rubber ring betwen the mirror and the cell and adesive velvet all over the side ring cell.For the back a fan.All the back has been reworked.simple and very efective




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Hi jahmanson.here a portuguese guy as to sell a 250mm f 6.3 orion optics in good shape,good construction for 900€.i think i will gona sell all my stuff to buy this beauty(mak127-200mm newt and alot more stuff).Do you think it is worth?

The specs for the OO are Strehl: 0.985

PV Wavefront: 0.123 wave

RMS: 0.019 wave

AstMag: 0.030 wave

Thats a nice scope but personally I would look to step up more than 50mm if I wanted to see more - the difference between a 200mm and a 250mm is not huge IMHO.

I'd also have to say that 900 euros seems a lot to me for that scope, unless that price includes a nice mount.


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Hi.Nope,its 900€ only for the OTA.I think youre right and i maybe i should keep what i have.maybe a 16" lightbrige 2 years from now.time to beggining saving money...

clear skyes


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