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Clear Sky all Night in Suffolk - Good start to the year


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Happy New Year chaps!

In another massive fail for supercomputers everywhere, every forecast I could find last night had total cloud cover, multiple layers all night with 40 mph winds.

Reality..looking out the window at 6.30pm I saw stars!!! feels like weeks since last saw any.. I checked forecasts again - maybe it's just a wee blip of clarity before clouds again - forecasts said I was hallucinating - no stars to see here.

So.. set up the new ts-photon 150 and Baader coma corrector with the asi1600 on the chance.

12 hours of uninterrupted imaging later, I've just packed it all away.

Will post the results later today once edited, but early peeps show the coma corrector doing a great job.

Hopefully the first of many sessions this year!


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I took a gamble, set up early when it was cloudy, finally got outside around 9pm; still fast moving patchy cloud and whilst I got focused and solved but for some reason I couldn't get guiding to work and I'm not convinced the mount was tracking.

The clouds thickened and I decided to call it a night. Took the dogs for a late walk, got home and the clouds had cleared. Ah well. Forecast looks good the next few days though...

Looking forward to seeing the results of your efforts :). Good news that you got a break

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