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My (modest) DSO haul of 2021

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This year has not been my best year for DSO imaging, but nonetheless I got a few decent shots

Horse-head and Flame, combining data from January and February with some older data. Canon EOS 550D with APM 80mmF/6 with 0.8x reducer, partly shot with Optolong L-eNhance and L-eXtreme filters, partly just CLS-CCD 



Rosette, also a combination of data from January and February. Canon EOS 550D with APM 80mmF/6 with 0.8x reducer



California Nebula. ASI183MM-Pro, Astronomik 12 nm H-alpha filter, and Canon 200 mm F/2.8 L lens



Flaming Star in HOO palette, using the ASI183MM-Pro behind the Sigma 50-100 mm F/1.8 zoom



Hardest target to date: the Spaghetti Nebula. This is the result of 4 hours and 48 minutes on the Spaghetti Nebula, using my Sigma 50-100 mm F/1.8 zoom at full aperture and 100 mm, with the ASI183MM-Pro, and Baader F/2 H-alpha filter.



Flaming star an environs in  Ha-RGB this time. I grabbed 2 h 40 minutes worth of RGB subs using the ASI183MC rather than the ASI183MM-Pro behind the Sigma 50-100 mm F/1.8 zoom



M78, Meade SN6 6" F/5 Schmidt-Newton, and ASI183MC (non-cooled) camera, a total of 5h 15 minutes



NGC 3718, NGC 3729, and Hickson 56, using my Meade SN-6 6" F/5 Schmidt-Newton and ASI183MM-Pro and ZWO 8-position EFW, using L (2.5 h), R, G, and B, 30minutes each, 2x2 binned. Really need more data on this target



One Jellyfish (just a few hours of data). ASI182MM-Pro with APM 80 mm F/6 and 0.8x reducer. Baader H-alpha and O-III filters. HOO palette.



Widefield shot in Cygnus. Canon EOS 550D, Sigma 50-100mm F/1.8 zoom at full aperture, and Optolong L-eNhance filter on the Vixen GP mount



The Veil, first with the Canon EOS 550D, APM 80mm F/6 and 0.8x reducer



H-alpha mosaic with ASI294MM-Pro, APM 80 mm F/6 and 0.8x focal reducer


O-III data added, same combination as above



Experiment with Sigma 120-300 mm F/2.8 Sports lens I have, with the Canon 550D on M31. Stars in corners not really good.



Heart and Soul, with Double Cluster, Canon EOS 550D, Samyang 135mm F/2, Optolong L-eNhance filter. Twelve hours over 3 nights



Hopefully, the coming year will give some more clear nights

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