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Yet another Newtonian collimation question (with annotations for judgement)

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Hi all,

Its my first time cleaning mirrors and re-collimating the SW 200P (F5). I have read many collimation posts on here, but would still like your opinions.

In all images the camera is aligned with live view to the best of my ability and the dashed circle annotations are concentric.

My only confident observation is the secondary could be a little better centered under the focuser (white circes).

Is the secondary aligned ok? The mirror clamps all appear equal at the edge of the field of view (green circle).

Is the primmary mirror aligned ok? The Cheshire crosshair (red circle) is central on the primary's doughnut centre sticker.

The shadow of the secondary mirror (blue circle) is centered when viewedd through the eyepiece pinhole but not through the cheshire. Is this because the Cheshire is not held perfectly straight in the focuser?



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23 hours ago, Peter Reader said:

All images are in the same orientation: primary at 3pm.

I cannot see the edges of the secondary through the Cheshire, but you can see the edge of the focuser tube through the eyepiece cap pinhole with paper behind th secondary (1st image).

In that case I would correct rotation/tilt as per step 2 of https://astro.catshill.com/collimation-guide/

Edited by Spile
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