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Skywatcher EQ3 Pro mount control question


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16 minutes ago, dazzystar said:

am I meant to have the Synscan controller plugged in to the motor control box and the USB cable connected to the hand controller too...don't want that. Just want usb to control box.



USB to MC, no HC, Yes EQMOD

FDTI serial cable to the HC port on the MC, no HC, no USB, yes EQMOD.

4 minutes ago, dazzystar said:



Click on the properties and see if there is an error. This looks correct by the way and it seems you have the GL chip that needs the newer drivers.

And looks like you have them or it wouldnt be recognized.

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1 minute ago, dazzystar said:

Thanks for the reply. Not sure what to do now!


From the device manager screenshot it looks like everything is as it should be.

So just to reiterate: USB to MC, HC not plugged in. From EQMOD select the HEQ5 option (no EQ3 option available) and set its COM port to 4. This may be auto detected as well. Try a BAUD of 115200 and 9600. One of them should work.

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Not that it really matters but this was my workflow, which works with my basic equipment.  Not saying you should do so, but thought I would post it anyway juts in case it helps.

  • Download and install ASCOM platform and install (along with any prerequisites such as DotNet)
  • Download and install the driver for the EQDIR cable I use, which in my case is an FTDI based cable that replaced the handset (In your case this is the Prolific chipset built in the mount)
  • Download and install EQMOD, setting it up  via the Toolbox to use the com port allocated to the EQDIR cable.  For me my EQDIR cable runs at 9600 so no need to make any changes.  I also set the position co-ordinates for the observatory
  • Download and Install Cartes du Ciel as my planetarium application of choice, and set it up with the same location data that was entered into EQMOD.
  • Open up the setting in Cartes du Ciel to choose the EQMOD.ASCOM driver (the wording may have changed with the newer version) and connect to the mount (this launches EQMOD)
  • Download and install the ASCOM drivers for  my cameras
  • Download and install PHD2 and check the connection to both guide camera and mount

Now there are a million ways to skin a cat, and my working method is just one option.  I use CdC to handle the pointing of the mount, PHD2 to guide and APT to control my dSLR camera and take all the subs.  Others will use NINA or APT to control the mount, plate solve, take the exposures and make the tea !   I can't comment on how best to use them as I'm old school and prefer to stick with what I know and what works with my old kit (one of the reason I dropped NINA as it doesn't support serial shutter release for old Canon cameras).  The bottom line is it doesn't matter what software you use, so long as you can point the scope at a target, track it via guiding, and get a decent image at the end of the night, which is what we are all aiming for

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1 hour ago, dazzystar said:

Thanks a million Malcolm!

A guide scope and camera are next on my shopping list!

You're welcome... but like I said, it's just one way.  Some of the modern software have their own "driver" built in and can talk to the mount without EQMOD or GSServer ( a more flashier GUI version of EQMOD originally developed for the EQ8, but will work with other Synta EQ mounts).  10 years ago when I built my observatory the way I described was basically the norm for those running a windows machine.  A lot has changed in those 10 years...but as my equipment hasn't, and the newer software over looks older gear (and the developers can't see the point in adding that feature), It's how I roll (as the kids say !!)

As for guide scopes, I used to have an ST80, but sold that and converted the SW 9 x 50 finder into a guidescope to accept my old Mk1 QHY5 - You can still do this, but with a modern camera for around £195 from FLO  - Like all things astro, there are plenty of options, and that is just one of them

Anyway, glad to hear you got there in the end and can now control the scope.

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