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Companion Suggestions

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It seems that having acquired a mount capable of carrying two OTA’s has left me with the need to put two OTA’s on it! who would have thought? now I am in trouble, but my 4” needs a big brother. Originally I had planned on a larger refractor at some point but it doesn’t have to be, what would make a good companion to a 4” and why? something of larger aperture would be ideal, an SCT? an RC? I’m sure many of you have a dual setup combination which works. An image along with a few words on why you get on great with your dual setup would be sweet! 



Edited by Sunshine
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I use an 8” SCT side by side with my 4” APO. Very nice combination - the C8 has the light gathering for the faint fuzzies and the 4” is great for doubles or wide field work. They are very different beasts and different enough to make it interesting. Often it’s just fun to compare the views. 


Edited by RobertI
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I do agree that a longer focal length, larger aperture makes an excellent high power complement to a frac with widefield capability. I’ve done this with a number of combinations, but a 8” SCT would make a lot of sense, or perhaps even better the StellaLyra 8” Classical Cassegrain? Couldn’t find any pics of the 8”, so here is the C925 side by side with the FC100DC.




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