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NGC7293 The Helix

peter shah

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I haven't been around over the past few months , unfortunately I have been dealing with the passing of my mother. It has been nice getting back into my imaging and has taken my mind off things.

Anyway I have been processing this one over the past few days....The Helix Nebula. Imaged remotely from Spain with my 12in Dall-Kirkham @F6.7 and Moravian 16803. The data was collected late in the season and was pretty low in the sky.  Imaged in RGB , Ha and OIII. Exposure times were 4hours in each RGB filter, 3.5 hours in Ha and 6.5 hours in OIII. All 600s subs a total of 26 hours.
Thanks for looking 


NGC 7293 Helix Nebula.jpg

Edited by peter shah
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Sorry to hear of your loss Peter, a lovely image though I feel it's a touch too red for my tastes, though having said that I have most likely processed to a similar level. This would be difficult from your home as it is low, I dare say that in Spain you are touch better off than me here, I have done this but I am limited with my walnut trees to a couple of hours when it is at it's highest.


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11 minutes ago, alan potts said:

lovely image though I feel it's a touch too red for my tastes, though having said that I have most likely processed to a similar level.

I think you could be right Alan. I was looking at it again this morning, the red is there and is what makes it look deep, but perhaps the saturation in the reds is too much. I will probably give the data a fresh look and see if I can improve on it. 

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very nice image. It'd be nice to bring some of the blue out more ? And again, who names these things.. Helix.. it couldn't look more like an eye if it tried!

It's a target I'd love to try myself, but looks to be very challenging

and sorry for your loss.


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Very sorry about your mother, Peter.

Regarding the reds, that's why I said elsewhere that the blue star was important in the image: it establishes or places the reds in the full colour spectrum. However, I would probably drop the red saturation myself.


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