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SW 200p collimation

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Hi All. I’ve had my 200p f5.91 for a couple of months and was just wondering about the collimation. I’ve taken a photo through a collimator cap and was wondering how much people thought the collimation was out by if at all. Many thanks.


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It's hard to determine the alignment of the secondary mirror using a collimation cap, but you can see the 3 primary mirror clips OK and things look reasonably circular, so probably good enough for visual.

However, the primary could do with a little adjustment. You need to adjust the primary mirror so that the collimation cap eyehole is inside the 'doughnut' marker on the primary. Currently, yours is like:


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Also check the focuser is 90 degrees to the ota which I only found out was off on my 200pds  , wind the focuser out fully put on any extensions then run a long ruler along the spider vane so you can see if focuser is parallel with ruler , mine was so far off I could see it was off without me he need for a ruler , only takes a minute, only doing this finally I could get the secondary centred and looking circular as it should be .

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