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NGC7000 + IC5070 in HOO and SHO


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With well over 50% Moon I wasn't expecting very much so was pleasantly surprised by the quality of not just the Ha but also the OIII and SII.

Ha and SII acquired with Samyang 135mm + ASI183MM and the OIII acquired with the RedCat 51 and ASI1600MM all atop the CEM25-EC.

This is 145m Ha, 140m OIII and just 60m of SII - all 300s subs.





Pre-processed in APP and post-processed in PI using StarXterminator to remove stars.

Really pleased with the amount of detail this combination is revealing.

Herbig-Haro 555 shows up clearly in both images, particularly the H(HO)O version.

313352027_Herbig-Haro555-HOO_x2.jpg.c3ba266dff296aae4eb09630e352683d.jpg    1196198599_Herbig-Haro555-SHO_x2.jpg.c6ca16631f2e6bbb440f249bbbddec4b.jpg

Herbig-Haro objects are jets of matter and partially ionized gas ejected by newborn stars, which appear as patches of nebulosity in star-forming regions. These jets are ejected at speeds of several hundred kilometres per second and collide with nearby dust and gas, producing dramatic shock fronts that glow as a result of the gas being heated as it collides with the interstellar medium.

As always C&C welcome.


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Both fantastic images Adrian, with loads of detail revealed by the Samyang+RedCat combo.  

Presented this way, it's nice to put patterns aside (NAN and Pelican) and concentrate on other aspects.  Within the second image (the first to a lesser extent) that central dark dust area looks stunning against the bold, bright background - covered in genuine fine detail and adding a real depth to the area.

Nice crops and information on HH555 too.

Edited by geeklee
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3 hours ago, Sunshine said:

These are beautiful!

2 hours ago, geeklee said:

Both fantastic images Adrian

Thank you for the kind comments - I am glad you like them. I was really pleased the data was so good recognising the Moon was doing its best to spoil things.

I'm loving this dual setup.


Next years Christmas card!


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5 minutes ago, gorann said:

Amazing what you can pull off with those small scopes Adrian! Palette is great - I never been a fan of green in NB images (or any AP).

Thank you Göran. I agree about green in NB -  I am not a fan either. Neither am I a fan of magenta but I think I am alone with that one ;)


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