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Local sites - North Dorset


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Hi all,

I've been a casual visual astronomer for the past year or so and have recently started to venture into the astrophotography space. I'm looking for any intel on quiet, dark and safe locations around the blandford area.  I have been to badbury rings a couple of times in middle of the night and whilst it is wonderfully dark, I have encountered on a number of occasions groups of youths causing havoc in their cars in the car park.

I wouldn't expect decent places to be talked about openly on here but I'm happy to receive pm's if people are willing to share.

Also completely up for meeting with other local astronomers in the area too for sessions, safety in numbers etc.

Thanks in advance.


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Welcome to the local group.

There are a couple of clubs in East Dorset / Wilts / West Hants - Fordingbridge Astronomers and Wessex AS - who hold observing / imaging sessions at local dark sites in the area (Hyde Common, Turf Hill, Badbury Rings, and at Durlston Country Park observatory).

I appreciate these are not particularly local to Blandford but the Cranborne Chase AONB (an International Dark Sky Reserve) also hold events throughout the area which may be more convenient. You can find out more at http://www.chasingstars.org.uk/explore/top-10-stargazing-locations.html

Whilst those in this SGL group are up for getting together (Covid willing) if you pm me I can put you in touch with the clubs where many of us members arrange informal meets. 

Look forward to meeting you. 


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Hi Seb, 

One site which is dark, which I've used before, met up with other astronomers, which isn't to far from Blandford is Knowlton Church. There is also another Astronomy group in Dorset and Hampshire area. It is called South Coast Astronomy Group or SCAG for short, sadly they are no longer active on here, but they do have a Facebook Group.

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