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First light with iOptron CEM26, 72ED OTA & Canon 250D


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I began AP in September and picked up a used Celestron Nexstar 102 SLT for £150 off ebay. I was soon hooked and realised I needed an EQ mount, so last week, settled on a nice bundle from FLO.

  • Sky-Watcher Evostar 72ED DS-Pro OTA
  • iOptron CEM26 Center Balanced Equatorial GoTo Mount    
  • OVL Field Flattener 
  • Astro Essentials T Ring Canon EOS
  • 1.5" Tripod + Case

Setup was pretty straight forward, but regret not opting for iPolar.

Still have a lot to learn, but am thoroughly enjoying every minute of it. Below are some images I have taken in the past week.

M42 - Orion Nebula - 5x120s ISO 800 - Bortle 4


NGC 2024 - IC 434 - Flame & Horsehead Nebula - 9x120s ISO 800 - Bortle 4 


Rosette Nebula and NGC-2244 - 20 x 120s  ISO 1600 - Bortle 5


M45 Pleiades - 15 x 210s ISO 1600 - Bortle 5




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Thanks @Clarkey  Much appreciated. Do you mean longer subs or the number of subs?

I have tried longer subs, e.g. >3 minutes, but the stars start to elongate. I am sure this due to poor manual polar alignment. Hence my comment about regretting not opting for the iPolar option. Once I crack this, I am sure increasing the number of subs (total integration time) will improve things.

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28 minutes ago, slaine said:

Do you mean longer subs or the number of subs?

More total time. More subs if your stars aren't so good with longer exposures. More to time will really help the signal to noise.

Just to add, I would never image more than one subject per night.

Edited by Clarkey
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33 minutes ago, slaine said:

Once I crack this, I am sure increasing the number of subs (total integration time) will improve things.

You can always get more subs even without perfect PA, but manually I can get the alignment as good as with the ipolar. I personally would prioritise guiding over an ipolar - the cost would be about the same if you already have a laptop. Small 30mm guide scope and  ASI120mm would be fine with a 72ed. Or, if you have the original SW guide scope you can convert with an adaptor from FLO.

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20 minutes ago, Clarkey said:

I personally would prioritise guiding over an ipolar

I have considered this. I have a laptop, but I have the DSLR connected via an active 5m USB cable out the window to my PC (using Backyard EOS), so I would no doubt use my PC for guiding too. My 72ED didn't come with a finders/guide scope, but have bought a Svbony SV165 30mm (currently has an eyepiece). I have been looking at the ZWO ASI120 for guiding. But have always treated guiding as the 'next level', and wanted to master polar alignment first. It's odd, because I had a Star Adventurer 2i for a couple of weeks, and had no issue with PA on that. Whereas PA on the iOptron CEM26 (without iPolar) is poor in comparison. It has no reticle or illumination. Polaris is a foggy blur at best. 

The upgrade to iPolar (plus adapter) is about £230, whereas an ASI120 is about £150. So there is some savings there.

To be clear, are you saying I can ignore my issues with PA and soley rely on the ASI120 and guiding for solving my current 3 minute sub barrier?

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1 hour ago, slaine said:

To be clear, are you saying I can ignore my issues with PA and soley rely on the ASI120 and guiding for solving my current 3 minute sub barrier?

I wouldn't say 'ignore' - get it as good as you can, but a little bit out will be compensated by guiding. I don't know you mount well enough to comment on why you are struggling to get good PA. Maybe you need some advice from CEM26 owners.

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On 04/12/2021 at 21:33, Clarkey said:

I personally would prioritise guiding over an ipolar

I took the plunge and bought iPolar and an ASI120 today. Thanks for your advice 👍

33 minutes ago, Grant93 said:

Welcome to the rabbit hole

Tell me about it! 🤣

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