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EQ6-R Pro slop between mount and tripod

Peter Reader

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Hi all,

Puchased a second hand EQ6-R Pro and I'm noticing that the mount rotates on the tripod base when I push the carry handle.

Is this normal? I probably put more force into rotating the mount that would normally be experienced during use, but I'm surprised there is any movement when the azimuth adjustment knobs and primary locking shaft are tightened.



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I would suggest something is not located properly... there should be no movement when everything is done up properly... Presumably, when the mount is off the tripod, the azimuth bolts will do up completely so they touch?

Is the azimuth post secure?

If so, it could be an issue with the centre bolt cross threaded, or even the bottom hand-knob (the one below the spreader) too far up the shaft and stopping the centre bolt from threading fully into the mount..?


I thought it might be the tripod leg bolts not being tight, but can see in the video that it is only mount head that moves, not the tripod head...

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As above I'd check the post is secure and doesn't move and that the knobs lock to it securely. If that all looks ok I'd be tempted to try a rubber gasket between mount and tripod to see if that "fixes" any discrepancy between the two.

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Thanks for the replies. I have checked and the metal dowel is secure and the azimuth knobs tighten all the way to the dowel. The mount appears to be rotating about the dowel due to improper fit of the mount into the tripod base. I can see the primary locking shaft moving from side to side under the tripod when I force the mount...

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Check that the azimuth peg is long enough, you could be tightening the azimuth bolts over the top (or partly over) and not getting a good enough connection to the peg. I've had similar issues when using the wrong peg size on my Berhlebach tripod and switching between a Vixen GP & EQ5 (they do different length bolts for these).

Also, check the diameter of the base of the mount versus the diameter of the opening, this is in case a previous owner used an adapter to use the tripod with an EQ5 mount. Is there any exposed metal either on the base of the mount or the recess it fits into in the tripod?



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I cannot tighten the azimuth knobs or primary locking shaft any more... having looked around online this seems to have happened to several others as a result of tolerance between the tripod and mount:



Might not be an issue during operation (unlike backlash) so will continue to set up and try it out...


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I have an EQM-35 and while a very different class of mount this also happens and is unavoidable. There are just 2 connections between the mount head and the tripod, the central bolt and the azimuth peg and if the machining tolerances for these are less than perfect (of course they are) you will always have some motion to some direction. In your video you can see that its not actually a rotation around the central bolt axis but a tilting/panning motion to the left. The azimuth peg prevents rotation, but does nothing to prevent the central bolt-mount connection from moving in the hole itself to and from the direction of the azimuth peg even when really tight. The best you can do is just tighten everything as good as can be and leave it be. Shouldn't be a problem in operation since there are no loads being applied to this direction when the mount is slewing/being used.

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12 minutes ago, StevieDvd said:

Check that the azimuth peg is long enough, you could be tightening the azimuth bolts over the top (or partly over) and not getting a good enough connection to the peg. I've had similar issues when using the wrong peg size on my Berhlebach tripod and switching between a Vixen GP & EQ5 (they do different length bolts for these).

Also, check the diameter of the base of the mount versus the diameter of the opening, this is in case a previous owner used an adapter to use the tripod with an EQ5 mount. Is there any exposed metal either on the base of the mount or the recess it fits into in the tripod?



Azimuth peg is long enough: see marks from azimuth knobs.

Can see some scoring on the mount and tripod but both surfaces are clean so should seat well enough...

2 minutes ago, ONIKKINEN said:

I have an EQM-35 and while a very different class of mount this also happens and is unavoidable. There are just 2 connections between the mount head and the tripod, the central bolt and the azimuth peg and if the machining tolerances for these are less than perfect (of course they are) you will always have some motion to some direction. In your video you can see that its not actually a rotation around the central bolt axis but a tilting/panning motion to the left. The azimuth peg prevents rotation, but does nothing to prevent the central bolt-mount connection from moving in the hole itself to and from the direction of the azimuth peg even when really tight. The best you can do is just tighten everything as good as can be and leave it be. Shouldn't be a problem in operation since there are no loads being applied to this direction when the mount is slewing/being used.

This is what I suspected - shouldn't be an issue during operature due to the play being around a vertical axis and requiring some force.

Many thanks for everyone's input, I was worried I'd purchased a lemon...




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Sounds like a job for a plastic milk bottle diy solution.

If you make a short length strip say around 2cm x 6cm (adjust to the size/depth of your mount/tripod).  Try that between the tripod & mount vertical face opposite the azimuth to see if it improves any.  If better but still loose use a longer strip.

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2 minutes ago, Peter Reader said:

Just checked with digital callipers: 0.4 mm difference between width of mount boss and the tripod recess. Disappointing for a £1,300 bit of kit...

Sorry our posts crossed.

Looks like the mount is only really making a slight contact in the central bolt hole, I would have expected a little wear on the base of the outer circle.  Again, a plastic milk bottle washer to fit in the shallow circle may allow the central bolt to get a better grip on a larger surface area, may be worth a try.

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This is part of the problem


The made in China bit... 

Its a sticker and the one on the other side take them of and stick them somewhere else.  Its annoying to see a friction based connection have stickers added that separate the two surfaces and reduce the friction that textured paint is a bad idea also. 

School boy error might as well spray oil on your brakes to stop them from squeaking. I find Sky watcher so frustrating that I don't buy any of their stuff anymore.

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You could also try putting a layer of gorilla tape or other strong but flexible tape on the contact surface. That should nicely plug the gap and be easy to re apply. That is if it bothers you enough to try and fix it.

3 hours ago, Peter Reader said:

Just checked with digital callipers: 0.4 mm difference between width of mount boss and the tripod recess. Disappointing for a £1,300 bit of kit...

But really this problem is just one of the signs that show the price it was made for, there is a good reason why "premium" mounts are 2-3 times the price of these common mounts.

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