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Takahashi FS-60CB vs. Skywatcher Evostar 72ED

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So I think I have a case of Takitis starting!

Bought the FC-100DC earlier in the year as a good all round 'only' scope. I really love the scope and definitely see it as a keeper. However, I have noticed many occasions (especially over the last few weeks) where the seeing has been poor, it's been bitterly cold & windy, and partially cloudy. Plus I have been even busier than normal with work.

So, I have been thinking, it would be really nice to have a small scope permanently mounted on the tripod, ready to carry out through the patio doors at a moments notice, for these occasions where seeing is poor and I really don't have the time nor inclination to walk back and forth to set the FC-100DC up. I am thinking along the lines of a small 60mm refractor for visual use only. Something I can use for low power scanning of starfields, and a bit of lunar/planetary (I appreciate the detail will be somewhat limited on planetary compared to what I am used to in the 100DC).

As I have been so impressed with the quality of the FC-100DC, my initial thought was to consider getting a small 60mm Tak (FS-60CB). But, I am mindful that I have already spent a fair bit this year on my FC-100DC set-up (plus all the eyepieces), So I am not sure spending out on a second Tak this year will be appreciated by the other half. I do really like the look of the Tak 60 though - especially the idea of being able to purchase & add the CQ extender later on, and the extremely low weight.

As an alternative, another option I have been considering is the SW72ED. This would fit the budget a lot better at the moment.

But before I commit to one or the other, I just wanted to ask if anybody has any experience of using both of these scopes, and if they have any comments to offer?

There seems to be a lot of good write-ups out there for both.

My thought is that the Tak would be optically very good as the FS-60Q (with CQ extender), and I would probably appreciate the finish and ultra low-weight of the FS-60CB over the Skywatcher. But the 72ED may offer a better package compared to the FS-60CB in terms of what I see through the eyepiece? And the SW72ED is much more affordable.

Any feedback appreciated.

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I have never used the SW so I can't compare! All I can offer is my very biased opinion that the FS60CB is fantastic! Like you I got an FC100DC earlier this year. I liked it so much I got the FS60CB as a travel scope. It's brilliant. I love it and it gets more use than it's big sister :) for the reasons you mention.

I actually got the FS60Q and later got the 76 objective unit as well. Somewhere on this forum I have expressed my opinions in more detail.

So in summary, I would have no hesitation in saying get the Tak, but I'm biased and can't make any comparisons for you.

Good luck whichever you choose,


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Your logic is impeccable. I used the same thinking years ago. 
But I realise I could have saved £, and had lots more use, had I gone straight to a small Tak. If you want planetary consider FC76DCU, or if you want 60 mm go for the FS60Q .

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I'd also go for the Tak, but perhaps consider the FC76-DCU as suggested by Jeremy. It screws in half so can fit in the smallest travel bag, and I think is more portable if you ever want to fly with it. 

As @MalcolmM says, getting the FS60Q, and later the FC76 objective upgrade, is an option and would give you the flexibility of the FS60 plus the 76.

When deliberating my options for a very portable setup, I read http://alpha-lyrae.co.uk/2017/03/12/takahashi-fc-76-dcu-review/ and his other reviews and this was what helped me make my final decision to go for the FC76-DCU. I don't regret it!

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I have the Tak FS 60CB and the 1.7 extender it’s a great little scope. I love its flexibility, a fast wide-field scope to get great high contrast views of star clusters with my 24mm panoptic or a closer view of the moon at F10 with my 9mm Delite. Although I’m  using it mostly for imaging at the moment. It’s also very light and compact and ideal for leaving on a tripod ready to carry out at a moments notice.

I can’t comment on the Skywatcher I’m afraid. 


Edited by Scooot
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I've got all the Taks you mention and recently sold my FC-100DC because, in reality I was using my others far far more. Admittedly, I have now bought another 100mm (the FC-100DZ), but I never claimed to be rational 🤣

Seriously, I would without hesitation recommended the FC-76DCU... mine sits on a ScopeTech Zero on a Berlebach Report 372 tripod, which lives just inside my office door. I can (and do regularly) grab this, plus a small case of eyepieces and head outside onto my back patio, and am observing in a minute. The scope cools very quickly, but is usable immediately. It can also be brought back in again, in under a minute, should the clouds (or rain) come back. It is the literal embodiment of "grab and go" 👍

The FS-60CB, I tend to use as a widefield "finder" scope on my AZ100, alongside the Mewlon 180 or (now) the FC-100DZ. I have used it for quick viewing, but it's short focal length means it's really better suited to "cruising" around the sky. However, I have just bought the CQ 1.7x Extender, which will convert it to an FS-60Q and so I may find this scope very useful as an alternative to the FC-76DCU. In reality, I think that's less likely, as the difference in size/weight would be minimal and the (small) loss of light gathering likely noticeable. I am therefore expecting the FS-60Q to remain as a second "finder" scope, but also something to use whilst the bigger scopes are cooling (the Mewlon takes a good while).

My recommendation remains the FC-76DCU... just look at it... what's not to like 😁



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Thanks for your feedback.

After reading these replies I am now deliberating whether to go 76DCU rather than FS-60CB/Q or SW72ED. But the extreme compact size of the FS-60CB/Q would help for keeping it set-up in the location I have planned, and the low power wide-field views do tempt me. Plus, due to a potential house move in near future, it might be that I would have to wait out for a 76DCU (unless I spot a good used scope at the right price).

I do really like the look of the 76DCU, and it was tough call between that & the FC-100DC earlier in the year. I opted for the FC-100DC in the end, as this was meant to be an 'only' scope!!!! A 100mm refractor seemed like the best choice as a good all-rounder. I cannot see myself getting rid of the 100DC.

I guess I could always get the FS-60CB with a view to selling it on next year and upgrading to the FC76DCU. My worry with doing that though is I might end up with 3 Taks!!!!

HollyHound - am I correct in thinking you only got the FC-100DC a few months ago?

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1 hour ago, Surfer Chris said:

I guess I could always get the FS-60CB with a view to selling it on next year and upgrading to the FC76DCU. My worry with doing that though is I might end up with 3 Taks!!!!


You could buy an FS-60C and an FC-76 Objective upgrade unit. That would effectively give you two scopes, just unscrew the 60mm objective,  replace with the 76mm when you want it and Robert is your father’s brother! 👍

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I think the 60CB would really compliment your 100DC. It's very different (portability and wide field) whereas the 76 will be less so. And the beauty is, as has been mentioned, you can buy the 76 objective unit later and you then have 3 Taks :) And then you can get the (cheap for a Tak) 1.7Q module and then you will have 5 Taks :) And as I'm discovering, you simply cannot have too many Taks:)


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2 hours ago, Surfer Chris said:

Thanks for your feedback.

After reading these replies I am now deliberating whether to go 76DCU rather than FS-60CB/Q or SW72ED. But the extreme compact size of the FS-60CB/Q would help for keeping it set-up in the location I have planned, and the low power wide-field views do tempt me. Plus, due to a potential house move in near future, it might be that I would have to wait out for a 76DCU (unless I spot a good used scope at the right price).

I do really like the look of the 76DCU, and it was tough call between that & the FC-100DC earlier in the year. I opted for the FC-100DC in the end, as this was meant to be an 'only' scope!!!! A 100mm refractor seemed like the best choice as a good all-rounder. I cannot see myself getting rid of the 100DC.

I guess I could always get the FS-60CB with a view to selling it on next year and upgrading to the FC76DCU. My worry with doing that though is I might end up with 3 Taks!!!!

HollyHound - am I correct in thinking you only got the FC-100DC a few months ago?

Hi Chris,

Yes, I bought the FC-100DC in April, but as work got quite busy and I then acquired the Mewlon, it didn't get used as much as I would have liked, hence moving it on. The FC-76DCU did however, and as a result it remains my most used scope and one I would find very hard to sell now.

Given the relatively small weight difference between the FC-100DC (which you have) and the FC-76DCU, perhaps actually you're best bet might be to go for the FS-60Q, which would give you two scopes in one effectively (just by removing the CQ Extender). You then have an option to buy the FC-76 Objective unit (as Stu says) or indeed buy an FC-76DCU (or another) when you're ready. Also worth noting that the clamshells/rings are compatible between these scopes too.

I wish I could comment on the difference between FC-76DCU and FS-60Q, but I'm still waiting on my CQ 1.7 Extender (arriving this week), so I can only compare against the FS-60CB.

The other advantage with the FS-60Q, is that FLO do actually have it in stock as well 👍

Hope that helps... cheers, Gary 

Edited by HollyHound
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18 minutes ago, MalcolmM said:

I think the 60CB would really compliment your 100DC. It's very different (portability and wide field) whereas the 76 will be less so. And the beauty is, as has been mentioned, you can buy the 76 objective unit later and you then have 3 Taks :) And then you can get the (cheap for a Tak) 1.7Q module and then you will have 5 Taks :) And as I'm discovering, you simply cannot have too many Taks:)


Thanks. Yes, this is the conclusion I have just come to Malcolm.

Its just a shame the 76mm objective module is so pricey as an added extra. Not far off the price of a complete 76DCU scope. If in the future I did want to look at the 76DCU, I would be almost tempted to just buy the full scope to save swapping parts over.

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5 minutes ago, Surfer Chris said:

Thanks. Yes, this is the conclusion I have just come to Malcolm.

Its just a shame the 76mm objective module is so pricey as an added extra. Not far off the price of a complete 76DCU scope. If in the future I did want to look at the 76DCU, I would be almost tempted to just buy the full scope to save swapping parts over.

I think this is an excellent plan, although I would suggest stretching that little bit (if you can) and get the FS-60Q... you get the FS-60CB then anyway and gives you flexibility.

I agree, the objective unit is very pricey and almost as cheap to get the whole scope. I'm also not a big fan of swapping the parts, hence buying multiple scopes, but then they are designed to be swapped, so perhaps it's just Takitis strikes again 🤣

They do come up for sale very occasionally, in fact one just sold on ABS.

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My partner does not 'get' astronomy but she does appreciate the fine lines of a Takahashi :), so much so she doesn't mind one on display in the lounge 'ready' to grab and go. She's not averse to the odd peek through my Erfle either and makes all the right appreciative noises when I get all excited about finding another feint grey fuzzy :)


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35 minutes ago, MalcolmM said:

My partner does not 'get' astronomy but she does appreciate the fine lines of a Takahashi :), so much so she doesn't mind one on display in the lounge 'ready' to grab and go. She's not averse to the odd peek through my Erfle either and makes all the right appreciative noises when I get all excited about finding another feint grey fuzzy :)


28 minutes ago, JeremyS said:

She sounds alright, Malcolm 👍🏻


26 minutes ago, MalcolmM said:

The best :)

Mine is also quite happy to have the Taks on their Berlebach tripods in the office, and she doesn't mind them at all, even comments they look "ok".... this is why I finally (after 8 years) proposed two months ago... just like the Taks, she is a keeper 🤣

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24 minutes ago, Dean Hale said:

Reading this thread whilst bored is very dangerous to my bank balance. Likely to be one less in stock shortly.

Just be thankful, Jeremy and I didn't confuse matters any further by throwing the FOA-60 or it's "Q" variant into the decision process 🤔

Which one are you going for Dean.... and a "tentative" welcome into the Tak owners club.... you don't have to be mad to join, but it certainly helps 🤣

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Just succumbed and bought the FS-60CB went for the cradle too rather than the more blue rings. I think i've just had a little wee with excitement!  

Think i may drop FLO an email to not post until Wednesday when my lovely is back in the office. 🙂 

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36 minutes ago, HollyHound said:



Mine is also quite happy to have the Taks on their Berlebach tripods in the office, and she doesn't mind them at all, even comments they look "ok".... this is why I finally (after 8 years) proposed two months ago... just like the Taks, she is a keeper 🤣

Well at least you bought most of your gear before 2 months ago and congratulations,, I take it she said yes 👍 

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