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Skywatcher AZ GTI mount owners thread


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On 05/09/2022 at 22:22, Priesters said:

No, just what’s shown in the pic.  I’ll DM you though as my pricing was based on the link to Teleskop Express.

I'd be interested if beamers decides not to have it.  :)  



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You can usually tell by eye (via experience), as 60 degrees from horizontal is quite a steep angle pointing up whereas the difference is much more realistic. Can you see Cassiopeia or the big dipper as you can locate Polaris via them as both are on opposite sides of Polaris. An alternative is to learn drift alignment. If you have an Asiair there's also a beta function "all sky" alignment but I've read it doesn't work so well. You can also use something like a digital inclinometer and put it on top of your scope to set the altitude, and use a compass with E-W declination scale to point to true north.

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I'm wondering if anybody uses their Az GTi both in EQ mode for DSO imaging and also in AZ mode for lunar and planetary imaging/visual observing.

I'm interested in EAA now that winter is here and I can have some visual fun sitting in the warmth of my home (energy costs permitting😄). Using the Az GTi with my Asiair for this purpose would a great experiment and would save the hassle of dragging out my EQ5, setting it up and then tearing down, I can simply move the Az GTi back into the kitchen.

For lunar/planetary imaging and quick visual it would simply mean removing the wedge and remounting the Az GTi  in AZ mode, selecting AZ in Synscan app and mounting my scope on the right side. For the imaging it would mean using Sharpcap with an attached laptop and for the quick visual using Synscan and probably SkySafari. I did try right side mounting with dual mode firmware some time ago but was unsuccessful, maybe better luck this time.                          

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8 minutes ago, beamer3.6m said:

Can you not do lunar etc in eq mode...

You usually would if you were say using an heq5 so why not the gti... just thinking of saving the time changing modes???

I could do lunar and planetary in EQ mode but my chief concern is one of overloading the Az GTi in EQ mode. My preferred scope would be a Maksutov 127, by itself it weighs 4.4kg and then I would have to add a camera and imaging train and I feel this is too close to the EQ limit while in AZ mode it would be fine. Also in EQ mode I would have to go through the whole process of polar alignment and plate solving while in AZ mode I can simply use "point and Track". My concern is also using the mount in EQ mode for visual, I can't seem to find much about that use on the web.

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1 hour ago, LaurenceT said:

I'm wondering if anybody uses their Az GTi both in EQ mode for DSO imaging and also in AZ mode for lunar and planetary imaging/visual observing.

I'm interested in EAA now that winter is here and I can have some visual fun sitting in the warmth of my home (energy costs permitting😄). Using the Az GTi with my Asiair for this purpose would a great experiment and would save the hassle of dragging out my EQ5, setting it up and then tearing down, I can simply move the Az GTi back into the kitchen.

For lunar/planetary imaging and quick visual it would simply mean removing the wedge and remounting the Az GTi  in AZ mode, selecting AZ in Synscan app and mounting my scope on the right side. For the imaging it would mean using Sharpcap with an attached laptop and for the quick visual using Synscan and probably SkySafari. I did try right side mounting with dual mode firmware some time ago but was unsuccessful, maybe better luck this time.                          

If I were in your position of having a eq5 mount and az gti. I would just use the eq5 for dso imaging and use your az gti for lunar and planetary in az mode with your Skymax 127. 

If I had the money this is what I would do myself. So have a nice sturdy mount for dso astrophotography and use my az gti for lunar, planetary astrophotography and visual work. 

As you know my dream kind of set ups I'd like, the Skymax 127 is a stunning piece of equipment and sorry I reluctantly had to sell mine. 

You can use your az gti in EQ mode for visual no issues. 


Edited by AstroNebulee
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Thanks for that Lee, you've clarified things in my mind for me.

I will try the mount in EQ  mode for visual, I suspect the Asiair software may be better if not easier than the Synscan software. The only issues would be simply rotating the scopes in the rings when using my manual AZ5 mount and rotating the eyepiece after slewing in visual when in EQ  mode.

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14 minutes ago, LaurenceT said:

Thanks for that Lee, you've clarified things in my mind for me.

I will try the mount in EQ  mode for visual, I suspect the Asiair software may be better if not easier than the Synscan software. The only issues would be simply rotating the scopes in the rings when using my manual AZ5 mount and rotating the eyepiece after slewing in visual when in EQ  mode.

As you say for just doing EAA with your az gti, just set up outside with it do your PA with your Asiair. Retreat into the warmth of your home (hopefully)  and carry on with your EAA session with the odd bit of imaging thrown in with your asiair. Would you be using your 127 or something else for this? 

I got a little bit confused which for me isn't hard at all. 😂


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1 minute ago, AstroNebulee said:

As you say for just doing EAA with your az gti, just set up outside with it do your PA with your Asiair. Retreat into the warmth of your home (hopefully)  and carry on with your EAA session. Would you be using your 127 or something else for this? 

I got a little bit confused which for me isn't hard at all. 😂


For EAA I would probably just use my WO Z61 as I know the mount can cope with that easily in EQ mode although I might consider my Orion 80ED, too heavy maybe?

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3 minutes ago, LaurenceT said:

For EAA I would probably just use my WO Z61 as I know the mount can cope with that easily in EQ mode although I might consider my Orion 80ED, too heavy maybe?

The 80ed could be pushing it for the az gti maybe not weight wise but like a sail in the wind, though I'm not familiar with it. I'm not sure on the weight of it but my set up with 72ed is around 6kg. 

For dso astrophotography I wouldn't put an 80ed on the mount. But for EAA maybe it could work. 


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51 minutes ago, Elp said:

I generally use alt az mode when doing planetary, lunar, solar, much less to think about, especially when you have to take multiple passes.

That's what I'll do, just hoping the right side scope mounting works for me this time.

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I was thinking about how to do this the other week and my thoughts were to polar align first using the air, then switch to the Synscan app, connect the camera to a laptop to do a 2 star align. Then disconnect the laptop and connect to my PC (big screen) via USB3 powered (jumper) cable and away you go.  Works in theory but not sure about in practice.

Viewing from the conservatory sounds quite comfortable but only on nights with a moon.

I am more into visual than imaging and new moon dark skies have their place for me behind the eyepiece. Some of you may have read this already.


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2 hours ago, bomberbaz said:

I was thinking about how to do this the other week and my thoughts were to polar align first using the air, then switch to the Synscan app, connect the camera to a laptop to do a 2 star align. Then disconnect the laptop and connect to my PC (big screen) via USB3 powered (jumper) cable and away you go.  Works in theory but not sure about in practice.

Viewing from the conservatory sounds quite comfortable but only on nights with a moon.

I am more into visual than imaging and new moon dark skies have their place for me behind the eyepiece. Some of you may have read this already.


I'm not clear why you would need to use the Synscan app at all. After polar alignment and plate solving by the Asiair you could then disconnect the camera from the Asiair , connect it to a laptop and fire up Sharpcap or similar. Alternatively, if you have a guide scope/camera you could use that as your main scope with the Asiair for the polar alignment and plate solving and simply plug the imaging camera into a laptop for the lunar or planetary imaging session.

Of course it's quite possible I'm completely muddled and wrong😄.


Edit: Of course you'd have to fire up the Synscan app in order to put the mount into the correct mode, I can't quite get my head around what comes next!

Edited by LaurenceT
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My last session I didn't even open the synscan pro app at all, straight to asiair app and it worked in EQ mode. Was only testing something mind so didn't fully use it.

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28 minutes ago, Elp said:

My last session I didn't even open the synscan pro app at all, straight to asiair app and it worked in EQ mode. Was only testing something mind so didn't fully use it.

Yes I realise that now, I was definitely getting befuddled yesterday. The mount will respond to any appropriate software be it Synscan, Asiair, Sharpcap or any other. Thanks. 

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Currently got the rig out getting some final data on the cocoon nebula. I have roughly 4 hours with the dual band filter installed and looking to get 90 minutes without the filter with the hoped for aim of not really adding to the image colours but adding to the dustiness that the nebula has.

I have tinkered with the tracking settings (again). It is still a little up and down but as I type it is settled at an average between 0.7 & 0.8 with occasional peaks hitting 1.1 but lows of as little 0.5.

Also during alignment I got to 00 00.05, this shows in the dec tracking as that aspect runs at  around 0.3 average, most of the error comes from RA.

For the record I now run the mount settings for guiding  at "guiding rate" 0.9. Max dec duration 400ms and max RA duration 250 ms and Dec aggression at 60% and RA aggression at 50%.

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22 minutes ago, bomberbaz said:

Currently got the rig out getting some final data on the cocoon nebula. I have roughly 4 hours with the dual band filter installed and looking to get 90 minutes without the filter with the hoped for aim of not really adding to the image colours but adding to the dustiness that the nebula has.

I have tinkered with the tracking settings (again). It is still a little up and down but as I type it is settled at an average between 0.7 & 0.8 with occasional peaks hitting 1.1 but lows of as little 0.5.

Also during alignment I got to 00 00.05, this shows in the dec tracking as that aspect runs at  around 0.3 average, most of the error comes from RA.

For the record I now run the mount settings for guiding  at "guiding rate" 0.9. Max dec duration 400ms and max RA duration 250 ms and Dec aggression at 60% and RA aggression at 50%.

Sounds brilliant, enjoy your clear skies Steve, not had one down here in September yet. 

I too found the better the PA the main guiding issues are in RA. Plus use 0.9x guiding rate as it seems the most consistent for an az gti mount. 

I mat try your settings for max RA and dec duration as mine are a bit higher at 500 for Dec and RA. 

Good luck tonight. 


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2 hours ago, AstroNebulee said:

Sounds brilliant, enjoy your clear skies Steve, not had one down here in September yet. 

I too found the better the PA the main guiding issues are in RA. Plus use 0.9x guiding rate as it seems the most consistent for an az gti mount. 

I mat try your settings for max RA and dec duration as mine are a bit higher at 500 for Dec and RA. 

Good luck tonight. 


Bit fed up here Lee, about 4 hours data (cocoon) apparently corrupted but I am unaware as to why. DSS error 107 is all I know. 

I have been using memory sticks for data transfer, I have checked both but nothing conclusive.  I am going to transfer data directly to my pc from the AIR+ next time first and then also transfer to mem stick. I shall then try to stack to dss from both directories to see what transpires but I am actually concerned it might be a AIR+ issue but nothing to ground that concern.

Anyway, grabbing new fresh data right now for the cocoon and also a new object. I will see how that performs.


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