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Nebulosity in Cygnus


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I have started another "Twenty Four Hours at...." project.  As I commenced this under my Bortle 5 skies during the week of the full moon, I chose a target well away from the orbiting halogen lamp that is our satellite.  This initial version comprises a little over five hours worth of 300 sec integrations taken by remote operation of my back garden observatory using a QHY8 OSC with Optolong L-Extreme narrowband filter on a TS152 achromatic refractor mounted on a Losmandy G11.  The image was acquired with SGPro and PHD2 and processed in Adobe PS. I do not believe any of the elements pictured have names, but the image provides the following information when run through Astrometry.Net. 

Center (RA, Dec): (304.619, 39.398)
Center (RA, hms): 20h 18m 28.599s
Center (Dec, dms): +39° 23' 52.903"
Size: 57.7 x 88.1 arcmin
Radius: 0.877 deg
Pixel scale: 4.7 arcsec/pixel

The image needs further cleaning up towards the bottom and my plan is to add a further twenty hours of data once Storm Arwen has passed and left some clear skies in her wake.  TIff, PNG and annotated JPEG versions below:






Edited by AMcD
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