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Is it just my weather?


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Not a pick of wind up here this morning...just in the garden trying to find some of my gardening gear what was stored in a little Keter shed, the roof from it is nowhere to be seen 😧

Hope anyone on here who was caught up in the storm is ok 👍



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1 hour ago, Franklin said:

Winds have died down here but Friday night's storm left a good 4" of snow, which has now turned to thick bottle ice on all but the main roads. Just had to skate back from the shops getting my Sunday beers in.

Sounds idyllic 👍🏻

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Christmas started early this year. The pork crackling is perfect, the silver skin pickled onion jar is open and we had heavy snow for three hours. Now *all* the weather forecasts I use are saying a clear, below 0°c night from around 6pm.

I'll have to rearrange some of the pots and ornaments left askew by the wind.


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7 minutes ago, ScouseSpaceCadet said:

+1 for pickled onions John! After all the doom and gloom, this thread's leaving me feeling positively festive. 👍

Can recommend Morrisons pickled onions. Bought when shop was out of stock of Haywards a while ago and now prefer Morrisons and cheaper as well. 👍🏻

Edited by johninderby
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Well, well beautifully clear so imaging here we go and my guiding was as good as it's ever been, well until it wasn't.... Nip out to see what was wrong to find the camera and filterwheel trying to push a tripod leg out of the way.... This is the first time I've controlled it with GS Server so assume I've missed something obvious and just about to have a look. My filterwheel was loose so in frustration I've packed it away on the first night for ages that had a lot of promise..... I suppose I can add 12x5 minute l-extreme subs to the pile though, Rome wasn't built in a day 😀

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Well...no electricity since 9pm last night, just came on about 15mins ago (10:15am)...lots of locals complaining, but I really don't mind sitting in candle light and boiling pans of water for cuppa's 😃

You don't realise how dark your skies are until you have a powercut 😲



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18 hours ago, scotty38 said:

Well, well beautifully clear so imaging here we go and my guiding was as good as it's ever been, well until it wasn't.... Nip out to see what was wrong to find the camera and filterwheel trying to push a tripod leg out of the way.... This is the first time I've controlled it with GS Server so assume I've missed something obvious and just about to have a look. My filterwheel was loose so in frustration I've packed it away on the first night for ages that had a lot of promise..... I suppose I can add 12x5 minute l-extreme subs to the pile though, Rome wasn't built in a day 😀

Sod's Law again... Similar happened to me. Mount and handset worked perfectly the last time they were used. All set up.. hmm handset is playing up. Two sets of instructions scrolling over each other. Switch off and on. Still the same so persevering, I know the procedure so ignore the display error. Actually polar align more accurately then I normally bother. 2 star align done. First goto is way off, then the second. I send the mount to home position and restart the align. Same problem with gotos. Switch off and start again.. same problem. Lots of head scratching and recalibration I give up for a cuppa break. Go back out, same again..Gahh!!! The lot is packed away and out I go again with binoculars. 🙄

Scope is frozen, I'm frozen and still none the wiser. Settin up indoors later for a factory reset. 

Hi tech is great when it's working but that was a freezing two hours fiddling when I could have just got out the alt az mount. Rare perfectly forecast great observing weather and scuppered!

Edited by ScouseSpaceCadet
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18 minutes ago, callisto said:

Is that really a frozen squirrel?  😲

That wedding must really be costing Jeremy an arm and a leg if he's resorting to defrosting the emergency squirrel. His Abba albums will appear on Ebay any day now.


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4 hours ago, callisto said:

Well...no electricity since 9pm last night, just came on about 15mins ago (10:15am)...lots of locals complaining, but I really don't mind sitting in candle light and boiling pans of water for cuppa's 😃

You don't realise how dark your skies are until you have a powercut 😲



Mark, you lucky thing, if its clear otherwise, poor old you.
I often wish upon a powercut for a dark sky, never happens though round here.....famous last words!


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13 minutes ago, Alan White said:

Mark, you lucky thing, if its clear otherwise, poor old you.
I often wish upon a powercut for a dark sky, never happens though round here.....famous last words!


Unfortunately it was hit and miss so no observing 😒

But hey, look on the bright side, I actually had a conversation with my youngest daughter instead of her sitting her room all night...don't you just love talking about BTS and all the other boy bands 🤣

Edited by callisto
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