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Is it just my weather?


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It's getting so frustrating, I think i've had 1 clear night since September here.  

Last week I looked out and the south was crystal clear, nice view of Jupiter and Saturn.  Dragged the scope out, turned to Polar align and a massive encroaching cloud bank had obscured Polaris..  **Drags scope back in again**...

Any suggestions for an indoor hobby?  I may take up knitting..  :D  


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22 hours ago, Astro Noodles said:

Managed to get a few hours on Wednesday. First clear night since October 1st.

Congratulations! Still cloudy here and looks set to be that way for another week. I blame the fact I bought a new telescope back in November which I have managed to use for all of 20 minutes between cloud patches :)

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Interesting weather related observation here: Now that everything is covered in snow here i noticed that skyglow is CONSIDERABLY worse than it was just a while ago. Snow acts as a reflector for light pollution and basically all lights are shining directly to space. I would estimate that bortle ratings went up at least by 1 class, possibly 2 classes in some places. Not that i have had proper time to confirm this, just a few glimpses through gaps in the eternal early winter cloud cover.

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It cant be can it?!  Surely!  Metoffice agree too.   36hrs to go yet though so it can all change...   Dizzy with excitement but what do I look at/shoot?!  :D   Something will go wrong guaranteed 😉 263197242_329126915406227_7616705611573528458_n.jpg.ffec0febabf65825c07138067b5eef65.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...

Weather here has been bad for observing although it's been warmer than usual for December.  Anyway, I find the most accurate forecasting is usually my own, based on satellite loops.  If "stuff" has been moving this way for several hours, it's not going to veer off.  I can also roughly  estimate when it will be here.

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