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Chart and Ephemeris Comet C/2021 A1 (Leonard) visible in binoculars

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Thanks for the chart! I saw the comet this morning at 5:30am with 20x80 binoculars. It was actually pretty easy to find even in the moonlight. Right now it's passing the magnitude 5 start 37 Com and heading towards M3. I could even see a tail about 10' long. I think the magnitude 7.5 estimate is bang on target. With the Moon waning and the comet getting brigher the next few days should be a treat if it stays clear!  

Edited by Nik271
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Had my first view, just after 5am this morning of Comet C/2021 A1 Leonard in 10x50 binoculars. Above Arcturus, it was about the same magnitude as M3, perhaps the comet a shade brighter - around 6 mag. It was larger and more diffuse than M3 though. Conditions were a bit hazy, and I could not see a tail. Looked also in 8x30s, at this welcome visitor.


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I saw it this morning quite easily though I had a couple of advantages: 21.76 sky and 15x56 binoculars. I don’t have a feel for extended-object magnitudes but I’d put it between M31 (easily visible naked eye) and M33 (not quite naked eye). A medium-sized quite bright object with core and definite wide tail. It was still just about visible in the bins at 7am as dawn was happening, with the sky at 19.7.


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Observed C/2021 A1 Leonard this morning in 20x80 binoculars from 5:45am to 6:20am. Quite bright (I estimate mag 6)  and moving rapidly. Tail at least a degree long, faint. I'm looking forward to another view tomorrow morning when it's supposed to be clear. 

Edited by Nik271
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