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Skywatcher EQ8-RH and EQMOD?


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Hi,  just interested to know if the EQ8-RH can be used with EQMOD at all?

I have a AZ/EQ6 and might possibly be looking to move into a larger mount,  but i like the idea of keeping the EQMOD setup that i am currently using with the AZ/EQ6

So just out of interest,  is it compatible with the EQMOD at all?

I have a bit of a search around and can't see any mention of it for the EQMOD,  only the likes of the AZ/EQ6 and the like.

Will the setup i currently have be a plug and play so to speak with the EQ8-RH

I haven't see much talk on here about the EQ8-RH,  so not sure if that is a good thing or not.

Any advice is appreciated.



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From a limited google search I believe that the basic control under EQMOD works, but there maybe an issue with the support for encoders.   I'm not sure of the "version" of EQ8 my friend has, be he recently switched to GSServer as it supports full current drive of the stepper motors, which apparently EQMOD doesn't

EQMOD have an active discussion group, and they may be able to advise you further.

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Yes, as a follow-up to Malc's comments, I would recommend a move to Green Swamp Server (GSS) to run your EQ8-RH. Some of the features of GSS have been specified by the EQ8 community to get the best out of the mount. There are Google groups for the EQ8 and GSS.


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Thanks for the replies,  appreciated.

I wasn't aware of those discussion groups,  and first time hearing of this green swamp server,

I will take a look at these, 

Very much appreciated.


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