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IC1396 + Sh2-129 Collaborative Mosaic


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4 hours ago, Spitfire said:

Great image.

Can you give me some more detail on the filters?

I see you have the Astronomik NB but what are the bandwidths.

My Baader 4.5nm doesn't seem to pick up the squid.


Hi Geoff,

Thank you for the generous comment.

Most of the time on the Squid was done by me using a Baader 8.5nm with the Samyang+ASI183MM with the lens stopped down to ~f2.6 with a step-down-ring. I also used a 6nm Astronomik on the RedCat_ASI1600MM. It would be best if Lee @geeklee tells you exactly what he used.

As I am sure you know the Squid only shows up in OIII and it is incredibly faint and required every trick in the processing book it seemed to pull it out from the Ha (6nm Astronomik on the Samyang and the RedCat) and SII (6nm on the RedCat only). The real problem is the noise in the OIII despite all the OIII being shot when there was no Moon and in my case from Bortle 3/4 skies. I was lucky and had one exceptional night of seeing with no Moon and managed 50 x 300s of OIII with the Samyang and most of the Squid signal we acquired was in those subs.

It is much more apparent in a HOO image but then so is the noise!

It's a tough one that's for sure.

Good luck.


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6 hours ago, Adreneline said:

Can you give me some more detail on the filters?

6 hours ago, Adreneline said:

It would be best if Lee tells you exactly what he used.

6 hours ago, Adreneline said:

As I am sure you know the Squid only shows up in OIII and it is incredibly faint

Geoff ( @Spitfire ) - In my Samyang, also stopped down to ~F2.6 was an Astronomik MaxFR 6nm Ha and OIII filter. 

Here's a comparison of 1x300s OIII pane and an integration of 25x300s from my Samyang.


This was taken around new moon from Bortle 5/6 skies.

Edited by geeklee
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Thanks for the info.

I should be able to get something then using my Tak Epsilon at f2.8 and my Bortle 5 skies. I think the only thing missing is the amount of data, I've only managed to gather 12x 300sec so far in O3 due to the cloud gods not playing ball!😫


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