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Scope cover/insulating blanket


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I have a Pulsar dome and  I'm trying to find of a way to keep the scope warm and dry without heating the whole dome.

My idea is to have the observatory pc mounted by the side of the pier, under the mount, and leave it on 24/7, it;s only 25 watt without the monitor, so won't break the bank.

Then cover the scope with some kind of insulating blanket that comes down to the ground, enclosing the pc, instant background heat.

Question is, what kind of blanket material, looked at mountaineering/first aid foil blankets, but how durable are they when you fold and unfold them, also they are not huge, I might have to tape some together.

Anybody tried something like this? 

Some years ago I had a dehumidifier in my old dome, and the cost of that was 'interesting', my wife noticed the jump in power consumption when it was on, it stayed off after that.



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11 hours ago, bottletopburly said:

What about a telegizmo cover , and how about a heated pet pad under the cover .

If I leave the PC on 24/7 it will be better for it than switching it on when it's cold and damp, so one stone two birds.



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Inside my ROR I use a barbeque cover I got from eBay to cover the pier, mount and scope with cameras.

Quite oversized but just the thing to keep the gear all enclosed to help keep any damp or dust out.

With some heat from below this would work well I think.

Waterproof Heavy Duty BBQ Cover XS-XXL Patio Barbecue Grill Gas Smoker Storage

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19 hours ago, fifeskies said:

Inside my ROR I use a barbeque cover I got from eBay to cover the pier, mount and scope with cameras.

Quite oversized but just the thing to keep the gear all enclosed to help keep any damp or dust out.

With some heat from below this would work well I think.

Waterproof Heavy Duty BBQ Cover XS-XXL Patio Barbecue Grill Gas Smoker Storage

What a brilliant piece of lateral thinking, just the badger, should be tough enough not to rip on the sharp edges of the scope/mount.



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