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What did you see tonight?


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I've seen it briefly with a 127 Skywatcher Mak. It was not a clean split though. You just have to be lucky with the seeing.


Here is the full report:


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On 08/07/2023 at 02:30, Nik271 said:

And just outside it was a tiny green spark showng intermittently! Wow, I could not belive my eyes!

Nik, am I reading this right - you don't otherwise see the green at all?

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Hi Oscar, you should be able to split it at x200 but the low altitude and glare from the primary could make it tricky.



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Regarding Antares, it is a moderately difficult split from here in the southern hemisphere. 

However when the seeing is good I have never failed to split it from around 240x magnification upwards using my 10 inch dob. The best I've seen its companion is with a hairline thin division from Antares at 686x on nights of excellent seeing. A very beautiful sight as the tiny companion appears green due to contrast with the brilliant orange of Antares!

Clear Skies 


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Posted (edited)

Cloud has just rolled in, but it was good while it lasted.

Second session at my new base, with the Mak this time. Seeing was reasonable and transparency very decent. I measured 21.26 on the meter, not bad for this time of year. Milky way was showing a little structure. M10 and M12 were a bit dimmer than I expected, but M13 was its usual self, and a bit better in the Svbony 7-21mm zoom than in the Morpheus 6.5mm (but that zoom is good). M27 just about showed the dumbbell shape, and another planetary, NGC 7027 in Cygnus, was quite distinct.
I think I bagged M6 for the first time just as the cloud appeared, but not 100% sure. I've left the kit out, so I'll have another go if it clears.

[EDIT]  It was clear again, so I carried on. M6 confirmed, plus M7 and M54, so only six to go.  I also had a look at M8, M17 and M11. Everything is drenched with dew.

Edited by Zermelo
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18 minutes ago, Zermelo said:

Could be another late one...


It’s looking clear & good here too. But I’m off to bed for a short kip. Plan to get up at about 12:30…

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Had a brief look at the 6% Moon and Earthshine with my 70mm F6 refractor. Seeing is pretty good. Can't stay late tonight, so just surveyed a few classic doubles that I can point to in the twilight Mizar, Izar and Polaris. Could use up to x140 with the little scope, showing very nice airy discs! Finally checked up on T CrB but couldn't see it all in the still bright sky at 11pm. So not yet exploding. I'm sure it will pick a cloudy night.

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Started off with the 6% moon before it disappeared into the West. Being able to identify individual craters with the 12x36 Canons is pretty awesome. Humboldt, Phillips and Hecataeus nicely framed. After it got dark, went cruising around Cygnus and spied M29, M39 and NGC 6871.

Love, love, love these bins. Not only am I seeing so much but I’m really learning the night sky too.

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Slight pause for repairs - what numpty put the RDF on back to front... doh! (you can see it in the pic above).

Now I can start observing...

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I won't be out long - seeing is horrible. Just tried STF1932 which is 1.6" but even, and it's a fuzzy mess, even at medium powers.

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Posted (edited)

I've just got back in from an hour or so with my Altair 70ED.  Decent enough seeing.  It's a bloody shame we don't get this kind of seeing in Winter when it's actually dark!

Spent a good half hour on M81/82 with my WO 20mm Swan eyepiece.  I have plenty of other eyepieces but this one just hits the spot for me, with a nice field of view and eye relief.  Of course, M81/82 aren't in the best bit of sky with the light the way it is but I was challenging myself to pull out more detail in the low contrast environment.  Ended up grabbing my old dressing gown and throwing it over my head as an observing hood due to a number of bright lights in the flat overlooking my garden.  Had a lovely time.  Aligned the mount initially to get myself going.

Then I stopped using GOTO and did a bit of looking around Cassiopeia, looking for some enjoyable asterisms.  Stared at a couple of red giants too, including Arcturus on the other side (which I had aligned to initially).

Lovely, lovely, lovely.  I do wish, however, that I had somebody to give me a nudge and tell me what else is up there because I do need to branch out a bit.  I should have checked Stellarium and my almanacs...

Edited by GrumpiusMaximus
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Posted (edited)
19 minutes ago, Mr Spock said:

I can't get an airy disc, on any star...

I use them with my C5 to focus... but not with my 70ED.  I think my astigmatism is causing a lot of focus issues...

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Posted (edited)

Caught a bright meteor of some sort between 12:30 and 1:00 just below the big dipper heading south west. Lovely orange tail, must have been in the sky more than a second, can anyone tell me what that was? Did anyone else see it?

Edited by DAT
Can’t spell anyone
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Very enjoyable doubles session with Mu Cyg being the highlight. I’m not sure what the separation is but with 4” refractor at 230x the airy disks appeared to be touching, with gently overlapping diffraction rings. Beautiful pair to observe and sketch. 

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1 hour ago, GrumpiusMaximus said:

I've just got back in from an hour or so with my Altair 70ED.  Decent enough seeing.  It's a bloody shame we don't get this kind of seeing in Winter when it's actually dark!

Spent a good half hour on M81/82 with my WO 20mm Swan eyepiece.  I have plenty of other eyepieces but this one just hits the spot for me, with a nice field of view and eye relief.  Of course, M81/82 aren't in the best bit of sky with the light the way it is but I was challenging myself to pull out more detail in the low contrast environment.  Ended up grabbing my old dressing gown and throwing it over my head as an observing hood due to a number of bright lights in the flat overlooking my garden.  Had a lovely time.  Aligned the mount initially to get myself going.

Then I stopped using GOTO and did a bit of looking around Cassiopeia, looking for some enjoyable asterisms.  Stared at a couple of red giants too, including Arcturus on the other side (which I had aligned to initially).

Lovely, lovely, lovely.  I do wish, however, that I had somebody to give me a nudge and tell me what else is up there because I do need to branch out a bit.  I should have checked Stellarium and my almanacs...

@GrumpiusMaximus, two words for you, Sky Safari! I have the Plus version and it has been incredible for me in finding out new targets. Highly recommended!


Clear Skies 


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I've brought everything in. Not only is seeing poor, transparency isn't so good either.

There's also a howling gale blowing. Forecast says 'a gentle breeze from the west'. Seriously, are they having a laugh?

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Posted (edited)

Completely different in the South West. Seeing good, very transparent, and still.

A mix of targets : globs M3, M4, M5, M14, M22. Nebulae M20 and NAN . Planetary NGC4461, doubles HR4678, HR4677, HD 201670, Struve305, 36 Oph, Pi1 Boo, Cor Caroli and Alkalurops. The Milky Way is the best I've seen it ; lots of fine structure.
Also the worst dew I've ever experienced,

Edited by Zermelo
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