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A Helping Hand


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This is the Helping Hand Nebula in Cassiopeia.

The blue reflection is as a result of the cepheid variable star SU Cassiopeia. Vdb 7,8 and 9 are present in this image as well as Ldn 1353, 1355 and 1358.

Extremely feint nebula with loads of stars in the field made this a challenging target, gathering lots of data was the only option. I think this might be the longest I stayed on a single panel target.

12 hrs in 120 second subs at gain 100 with the Asi 2600mc through a Takahashi Epsilon 160ed. Data acquired over 4 nights.

Mounted on an AzEq6

Stacked in APP

Processed in APP, PI and PS

 Hope you enjoy,



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18 hours ago, Mr Thingy said:

Really nice image. So interesting and very well taken.

Thanks, glad you found it interesting.


14 hours ago, Xiga said:

Beautiful work, as always Richard. Has an almost ethereal look about it. 

I don't recall ever seeing an image of this before, so always nice to see something new as well. 

Thanks Ciarán, happy to show you something new.


14 hours ago, AL1 said:

Beautiful image.



14 hours ago, scotty38 said:

A wonderful image!

Thank you Scotty

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13 hours ago, Padraic M said:

Beautiful image Richard. I saw and enjoyed the early draft version but the extra data does make a difference. A friendly subject nicely presented, and good choice of composition too!

Thanks Padraic, much appreciated.


5 hours ago, GalaxyGael said:

Beautiful Richard, another interesting region high in the sky. Longer integration time was the key you think?

Thanks, yes I would usually be between 5-9 hrs but this definitely needed the extra few.


5 hours ago, Paul1 said:




3 hours ago, mackiedlm said:

That's a wonderful image. I've never seen that target before. Stunning.


Thank you, I'm surprised so many have not seen this before, always nice to see something new.

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6 hours ago, MarsG76 said:

What an awesome image and object... well done.

Thanks Mars. 

5 hours ago, ItsmeMaw said:

Excellent image! This is another object I would have never even knew existed if it wasnt for the members of this great forum!



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8 hours ago, peter shah said:

that is just outstanding...I love this object 

Thanks Peter, it's a great target.


5 hours ago, Tim said:

Wow, that is stunning!  Can I ask, what were your skies like for this image?


Thank you Tim. Sky is bortle 4 according to Clearoutside.


5 hours ago, Knight of Clear Skies said:

Great image, and not a target I was familiar with.

Thanks very much👍

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