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Greetings & Salutations from a Canuck in Norway!


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Hello all!

First: thank you to basically all of you. I've been lurking these forums for the last few months, and it has helped me tremendously in purchasing and setting up the newest addition to my family! 😜  More on that in a bit, but little about me.

As the title suggests, am a Canadian living in Oslo. Have been here for the last 10 years, came as a "love refugee", and now have three small boisterous & beautiful kids who I hope to share my love of the cosmos with as they grow. That love for me began when I was an undergrad back in Canada and I stumbled home a wee bit inebriated, and before opening the front door, I looked up at the sky and thought to myself, "hey, why the heck is the sky on fire? And ... green?!". I ran in, woke up my parents - much to their delight - and dragged them down the stairs and out the door to the front yard. When they were out, they looked up and understood. We all laughed and enjoyed the moment together. It ended up being the northern lights - rare to be visible in Ottawa (my hometown) but there it was, in full splendour. From that moment on, I was tripping on just looking up at the cosmos and gaining an understanding of what it is that's actually out there. 

I got my first scope 8 years ago (an 8" Dobsonian) and boy, what a treat that was. I had to sell it a few years later due to space limitation issues (the fam was growing), but my wife promised me we'd make up for it once we settled into something more comfortable. This year, we did just that and to celebrate my 40th lap around the sun, she gave me the go ahead to invest. I did so & with FLO's exceptional advice, got a SkyWatcher 200P-DS with EQ5 Pro with SynScan (got here about 10 days ago). I've managed to use it twice now (weather has been miserable these weeks here...), and both times have been dedicated to get a hang of the basics. 

I've got plenty of questions and issues but I'll pace myself to spare you the already lengthy intro post (thanks if you've made it this far!). One pressing issue is this: I noticed that there is plenty of condensation building up on the eye piece. On my finder scope as well. I never ran into this issue with my dob, so this is new to me. Am curious why this may be happening now with this model, and what can I do about it since it cut my session yesterday pretty short. That sucked.

Thanks again, everyone!



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Hi and welcome to SGL. 

I'm no expert still a newb but my dob gets alot of dew on the finder, secondary mirror, and ep's, dew heaters and dew shield might help.im sure someone with more experience will come along and help

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