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AZ GTI in equatorial mode

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I have had this mount for a while now and it has served me well for visual astronomy. I thought I might have a go using it in equatorial mode and I noticed I don’t have the M12 threads to accept the counterweight shaft. Is it possible to tap these threads or do I need to replace the mount?

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I bought this from Ali Express: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32960958977.html?spm=a2g0s.12269583.0.0.22542c0cLNIFNR Alternatively some people have used M12 threaded bar - something like this: https://www.toolstation.com/threaded-bar/p26973. You'll need an equatorial wedge too, Sky Watcher have one or you could go for the more expensive William Optics version which works very well.

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4 minutes ago, Stu1smartcookie said:

Hi Dougie , heard this before about the AZ-Gti and yes you should have it replaced if you can. Did you buy it from one of the major scope retailers in the UK ? . Quality control seems to be an issue , although i have owned a few of these and never had the problem .



So the actual mount does not have hole to accept the CW bar?

Not heard that before, but good to know that it can happen.

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Thanks for the speedy responses guys. I will look into your suggestions GoldTop57. Thanks for the practical advice. I bought it from RVO nearly 2 years ago with a 102 mak. Just now considering imaging and have recently purchased a 127 mak. The difference in observed detail is quite noticeable. There is a hole to accept the shaft, just no threads.

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39 minutes ago, Dougie82 said:

 I don’t have the M12 threads to accept the counterweight shaft. Is it possible to tap these threads or do I need to replace the mount?

There's nothing special about tapping M12 other than the size of it. The tapping size for M12 coarse is 10.2mm. So given the right equipment its a doddle. Without you would be struggling. Its also possible to get M12  threaded bushes but they might need a larger diameter hole. Another alternative is a Helicoil. Again that would need a 12.5mm drill hole. All solutions involving a 'proper' workshop (decent drill press a minimum) I'm afraid. I would guess that if you obtained it from FLO they would be able to fix it?

Edit: Sorry just seen your reference to RVO. Contact them see what they can do for you.

Edited by Len1257
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I might be chipping in unnecessarily here, but when you say there is a hole but no threads, be aware that there is at least 10-15mm of depth unthreaded on the mount hole before the threads start.

I was unable to use an existing counterweight bar from another mount with my AZ-GTi even though it was the correct thread, because the bar itself was wider than the thread, and could not be inserted far enough to engage with the threads on the mount. 

This is not my counterweight bar but illustrates the issue. Maybe you can test with an M12 bolt to make sure it's not just that the threads are recessed. 


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On 04/11/2021 at 10:55, Stu1smartcookie said:

Hi Dougie , heard this before about the AZ-Gti and yes you should have it replaced if you can. Did you buy it from one of the major scope retailers in the UK ? . Quality control seems to be an issue , although i have owned a few of these and never had the problem .



Just been watching the official Skywatcher USA webcast in which they are talking about EQ mode not being fully supported. In the same section, they pretty categorically state that the CW threading being there at all is actually not entirely intentional or by design, so it's not strictly a fault if it's not present. I guess it's something to do with manufacturing but apparently the engineering team won't commit to supporting it. Skip to 32m45s for that part. 



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1 minute ago, Ags said:

Interesting video!

I just found the channel a few days ago and this is the first video I've watched, it's pretty good.

Another nugget I will post about separately is that there's a Synscan USB adaptor intended for controlling older skywatcher mounts via direct PC connection but it can be used for firmware updates too, in case of issues updating via WiFi (including if the mount is bricked!) 

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41 minutes ago, badhex said:

Just been watching the official Skywatcher USA webcast in which they are talking about EQ mode not being fully supported. In the same section, they pretty categorically state that the CW threading being there at all is actually not entirely intentional or by design, so it's not strictly a fault if it's not present. I guess it's something to do with manufacturing but apparently the engineering team won't commit to supporting it. Skip to 32m45s for that part. 



Yes I watched this video as an avid lover of my az gti mount and was surprised that sometimes they machine the thread and sometimes not. So as you say not a design fault and skywatcher don't have to replace it with a threaded one. 

Edited by AstroNebulee
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