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M106 Reprocess.


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Can you tell it's cloudy? :grin:

Been thrashing this around again but still don't like it. Although this says "Fourth LRGB" there have been plenty that weren't worth saving, and plenty if intermediates that went through multiple iterations. The tools now available in AA8 are *much* better even than AA7, especially the Digital Development Process which now has sliders for Gama, Background and White Point, plus more subtle High Pass settings.

Anyway, here it is, and Yes, there is a flare of light in the lower right, from the LED floods on my CCTV getting in through the camera ventilation slots after meridian flip. This is also quite a heavy crop as the camera had rotated without me realising leading to some seriously skewed alignment edges.


I accepted the flare and brought the background up enough to show all the faint fuzzies. There are quite a lot of faint fuzzies. I may revisit this when it comes round again, getting clean G2v calibrated RGB, and putting all the clean subs from this run into a super luminance layer which will allow for some serious processing.

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TBH this is disappointing considering the amount of data collected. According to my records this is the result of: 79 Luminance subs totaling 13h 10m, 39 Red subs totaling 6h 30m, 36 Green subs totaling 6h 00m, and 42 Blue subs totaling 7h 00  for a total of 32h40min captured over 7 nights.. Admittedly not all the subs made it into the final stacks, since I set AA8 to reject subs with high sky brightness, elongated stars or stars with high FWHM. There's also a fair bit of H-alpha that has been captured but it was when the moon was out and is unusable.

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This is a possible Super Luminance built from 40 subs Lum, 31 subs Blue, 14 subs Green, and 25 subs Red, only using the clean subs without the light leak. The individual stacks were added before cropping off the alignment edges and given a gradient removal. DDP and Richardson-Lucy deconvolution followed.


May have brought the background up a bit too far, some gradients still visible.

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