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Pizza, wine and some DSOs


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I did not expect to get out tonight after the horrible downpour we had this morning and that CO was all red for tonight. I got back from work and the skies looked nice and clear with Venus on the horizon. I setup the Dob, grabbed a slice of pizza and a glass of wine and waited for it to cool down. Venus showed nice phase similar to half moon. Seeing was rather stable. I then pointed to Jupiter; I think it has been one of my best seeing so far this year; nice bands clearly visible. Io and Ganymede were on top of each other, pretty cool. Saturn showed some nice details as well.

My first Iso for the night was NGC 6781 in Aquila. It was fairly easy to find but rather diffuse disk; it was more prominent with averted vision. I popped in my OIII filter and it looked much sharper and stood out. I think i prefer the non-filter view since i could make more of the weak nebulosity. I then tried to find NGC 6741. I got in the area ok but i found really hard to locate it. I think I saw a patch of very weak fuzziness but I would not say I got it.

I was after Stephan's Quintet in Pegasus. I was not sure if I could see it with my 8" Dob. I found C30 and it had a nice bright core but no more features. I panned around to see if I can locate Stephan's Quintet but to no luck. Is it possible to be seen with an 8" Dob under bortle 3/4 skies?

While in Pegasus I had a look at M15; a nice globular with some distinct stars with averted vision. I tried to look for C44 but my conditions have got worst hwith thin cloud and  I could hardly do any star hoping.

An excellent night after a long absence of clear skies. Heavy downpour is predicted for tomorrow so I am glad I managed this session. Back in for more 🍷🍷!

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@Epick Cromgood to hear you were also out. It was frustrating finding NGC 7331 (C30) for me as well but once I got there it was easy direct vision patch of light. I think with your 10" you should be able to see Stephan's Quintet. You are gathering much more light than me 😃

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1 hour ago, Kon said:

@Epick Cromgood to hear you were also out. It was frustrating finding NGC 7331 (C30) for me as well but once I got there it was easy direct vision patch of light. I think with your 10" you should be able to see Stephan's Quintet. You are gathering much more light than me 😃

It was frustrating for me too! I think I messed up the starhop 😑. Will try again tonight if clear. I did nab quite a few galaxies in Eridanus and Fornax which I will post a report on soon. Wishing you clear skies!

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