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First Light on 2600MC Pro - Melotte 15 + Fish Head Nebula


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Hello all!
The ASI2600MC finally arrived, got it on the AT130EDT with my IDAS NBZ filter and ASIAIR Pro - was able to get 45x600s exposures while I snoozed last night. Drizzled 2x, and then resampled back down to keep file size manageable but stars round.

Overall, I am SO HAPPY with this new camera. I can't believe how much data came out of this thing in only 7+ hours.
Bortle 7, Fort Wayne Indiana.




Edited by FiveByEagle
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Awesome image! Just as an option, maybe trying going with 300s exposures instead of 600. That CMOS sensor is very sensitive and living in a Bortle 7 zone shooting 10min you're likely to be saturating your stars at that point. Your call, but it might be worth experimenting to see how you get on? Less pressure on guiding and less chance of dropped frames due to clouds etc


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