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M89 M90 Widefield

Tom OD

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This one is from a few months ago, where I wanted to try and get the outer galactic shells to show up in M89. The Lum has 17hrs with the FSQ106 which was very promising, however the RGB had massive issues with gradients and just bad data. I had to bulldooze it a bit to get anything out of it.

I m not overjoyed with the result, but happy that I got something out of it that I could even post. Given how busy the area is I attach an Annotated version too.

LRGB 29hrs FSQ106ED, Mesu 200, Atik 11meg

M89 M90 LRGB Astro5 Full frame.jpg

M89 M90 LRGB Astro5 web cropped version.jpg

M89 M90 LRGB Astro5 Annotated.jpg

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