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Skywatcher AZ GOTO clutch slipping

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I bought a new Skywatcher Dobson 250P 10" this July 2021 and am having problems with slipping clutch on azimuth motor.  Scope as delivered is quite nose heavy and simply will not raise from 0 degree horizontal or hold position in any azimuth below about 60 degrees even if manually set.  Skywatcher customer support has been of no help so far with 6 emails back and forth on this problem.  I am sure that this is a clutch adjustment problem but this model has no external clutch adjustments and the customer service guy has avoided my repeated requested for clutch adjustment information, leading me to believe that this may be a known design and/or manufacture flaw that they do not want to admit or acknowledge.  Anyone have similar issues and fixes for this mounts problems?


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There is adjustment for the clutch, it was 9 years ago I had one of these and can't remember where the adjustment was, I think you have to take off the black plastic cover and then use a spanner to tighten.  Basically the clutch is there so you can push the tube and not damage the motor or gearbox, but since I never did that, I tightened mine up so it wouldn't slip.

I also added counter weights to the back of the tube to offset the weight of a camera.  I attached a rail to the tube and could then move the weight to get perfect balance.  Unfortunately, I don't have any photos and I took it off before selling it.

Hope that helps.


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Have a look at this thread on page 2, I stripped down my clutch, there are photos of it, so you should be able to figure out which nut to adjust.  The clutch needs to be just right, too slack and you get the nose dropping all of the time (especially at high alt) and too tight and the motor doesn't seem to turn it correctly.


There is also a photo of the counter weight, it was a magnet I used, not a track on this post



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